RIKEN BioResource Center DNA Bank Mail News (電子メール版)

RIKEN BioResource Center DNA Bank Mail News (電子メール版)
■ 平成14年度 新規寄託遺伝子材料
■ 平成14年度 遺伝子材料開発室新規作製遺伝子材料
■ 所属を変更される方へ

■■■ 平成14年度 新規寄託遺伝子材料 ■■■

2857  pBS-human Tob
      cDNA clone of human TOB1.
2858  pBS-mouse Tob
      cDNA clone of mouse Tob1.
2859  pGA-human caf1
      cDNA clone of human CAF1/CNOT7.
2861  pSCI (mu, alpha)
      Artificial substrate of class-switch recombination. 
      Total 15,078 bp.
2862  pSCG (mu, 2alpha)
      Artificial substrate of class-switch recombination. 
      Total 16,436 bp.
2863  pSCG (NS, 2alpha)
      artificial substrate of class-switch recombination. 
      Total 18,349 bp.
2864  pmAID BSSK
      Mouse cDNA clone for activation-induced cytidine 
      deaminase (AID).
2865  pcDNA3-hPaelR
      Human Parkin-associated endothelin receptor-like 
      (Pael) receptor cDNA
2866  Human HLA-A*02011 cDNA
      Human HLA-A*02011 cDNA from human EBV-transformed B 
      cell line cDNA.
2867  Human HLA-A*0206 cDNA
      Human HLA-A*0206 cDNA from human EBV-transformed B 
      cell line cDNA.
2868  Human HLA-A*0207 cDNA
      Human HLA-A*0207 cDNA from human EBV-transformed B 
      cell line cDNA.
2869  Human HLA-A*11011 cDNA
      Human HLA-A*11011 cDNA from human EBV-transformed B 
      cell line cDNA.
2870  Human HLA-A*2601 cDNA
      Human HLA-A*2601 cDNA from human EBV-transformed B 
      cell line cDNA.
2871  Human HLA-A*24021 cDNA
      Human HLA-A*24021 cDNA from human EBV-transformed B 
      cell line cDNA.
2872  Human HLA-A*31012 cDNA
      Human HLA-A*31012 cDNA from human EBV-transformed B 
      cell line cDNA.
2873  Human HLA-A*3303 cDNA
      Human HLA-A*3303 cDNA from human EBV-transformed B 
      cell line cDNA.
2874  Human HLA-B*07021 cDNA
      Human HLA-B*07021 cDNA from human EBV-transformed B 
      cell line cDNA.
2875  Human HLA-B*15011 cDNA
      Human HLA-B*15011 cDNA from human EBV-transformed B 
      cell line cDNA.
2876  Human HLA-B*35011 cDNA
      Human HLA-B*35011 cDNA from human EBV-transformed B 
      cell line cDNA.
2877  Human HLA-B*40012 cDNA
      Human HLA-B*40012 cDNA from human EBV-transformed B 
      cell line cDNA.
2878  Human HLA-B*4002 cDNA
      Human HLA-B*4002 cDNA from human EBV-transformed B 
      cell line cDNA.
2879  Human HLA-B*44031 cDNA
      Human HLA-B*44031 cDNA from human EBV-transformed B 
      cell line cDNA.
2880  Human HLA-B*4601 cDNA
      Human HLA-B*4601 cDNA from human EBV-transformed B 
      cell line cDNA.
2881  Human HLA-B*51011 cDNA
      Human HLA-B*51011 cDNA from human EBV-transformed B 
      cell line cDNA.
2882  Human HLA-B*52011 cDNA
      Human HLA-B*52011 cDNA from human EBV-transformed B 
      cell line cDNA.
2883  Human HLA-Cw*0102 cDNA
      Human HLA-Cw*0102 cDNA from human EBV-transformed B 
      cell line cDNA.
2884  Human HLA-Cw*03031 cDNA
      Human HLA-Cw*03031 cDNA from human EBV-transformed B 
      cell line cDNA.
2885  Human HLA-Cw*03041 cDNA
      Human HLA-Cw*03041 cDNA from human EBV-transformed B 
      cell line cDNA.
2886  Human HLA-Cw*04011 cDNA
      Human HLA-Cw*04011 cDNA from human EBV-transformed B 
      cell line cDNA.
2887  Human HLA-Cw*0702 cDNA
      Human HLA-Cw*0702 cDNA fromhuman EBV-transformed B 
      cell line cDNA.
2888  Human HLA-Cw*0801 cDNA
      Human HLA-Cw*0801 cDNA from human EBV-transformed B 
      cell line cDNA.
2889  Human HLA-Cw*12022 cDNA
      Human HLA-Cw*12022 cDNA from human EBV-transformed B 
      cell line cDNA.
2890  Human HLA-Cw*1403 cDNA
      Human HLA-Cw*1403 cDNA from human EBV-transformed B 
      cell line cDNA.
2933  pBAc3
      pBAc3 harboring genes for AcTPase, bialaphos 
      resistance and kanamycin resistance.
2934  hTRAIL/pMKITneo
      Expression vector containing entire  coding region of 
      human TRAIL cDNA.
2935  mTRAIL/pMKITNeo
      Expression vector containing entire  coding region of 
      mouse TRAIL cDNA.
2936  pBlue-hCdt1
      cDNA clone for human Cdt1.
2937  pcDrdpII
      Mammalian expression vector expressing rat dipeptidyl 
      peptidase II.
2938  Human PACE4 cDNA
      Expression vector of human PACE4
2939  Rat alpha1-antitrypsin-RXXR mutant
      Expression vector of rat alpha1-antitrypsin.
2940  Rat alpha1-antitrypsin-AVRR mutant
      Expression vector of rat alpha1-antitrypsin.
2941  Rat alpha1-antitrypsin-RVRR mutant
      Expression vector of rat alpha1-antitrypsin.
2942  pBS(SK+)DPB11
      DNA clone for DPB11
2943  pBS(SK+)SLD2
      DNA clone for Sld2.
2944  pBS(SK+)SLD3
      DNA clone for Sld3.
2945  pCXN-2/Cremp
      Expression vector of chicken complement receptor, 
2946  cnd1+
      Plasmid clone of fission yeast Cnd1, non-SMC subunit 
      of condensin.
2947  cnd2+
      Plasmid clone of fission yeast Cnd2, non-SMC subunit 
      of condensin.
2948  cnd3+
      Plasmid clone of fission yeast Cnd3, non-SMC subunit 
      of condensin.
2949  chk1+
      Plasmid clone of fission yeast Chk1.
2950  crb2+
      Plasmid clone of fission yeast Crb2.
2951  Porcine diacylglycerol kinase alpha
      Expression vector of porcine diacylglycerol kinase 
2952  Human diacylglycerol kinase gamma
      Expression vector of human diacylglycerol kinase 
2953  Human diacylglycerol kinase delta
      Expression vector of human diacylglycerol kinase 
2954  mouse STAT3
      Plasmid clone of mouse Stat3 cDNA, PCR fragment. 
2955  mouse c-fos
      Plasmid clone of mouse c-fos cDNA, PCR fragment. 
2956  mouse c-jun
      Plasmid clone of mouse c-jun cDNA, PCR fragment. 
2957  mouse junB
      Plasmid clone of mouse junB cDNA, PCR fragment. 
2958  mouse c-myc
      Plasmid clone of mouse c-myc cDNA, PCR fragment. 
2959  pEF-3xHA-Rad9
      Expression vector of HA-tagged human Rad9.
2960  pEF-3xHA-Hus1
      Expression vector of HA-tagged human Hus1.
2961  pEF-3xHA-Rad17
      Expression vector of HA-tagged human Rad 17.
2962  pcDNA3-p73alpha
      Expression vector for human p73 alpha, based on 
2963  pcDNA3-p73beta
      Expression vector for human p73beta, based on pcDNA3.
2964  pcDNA3-p73gamma
      Expression vector for human p73gamma, based on pcDNA3.
2965  pcDNA3-p73epsilon
      Expression vector for human p73epsilon, based on 
2966  pCMV-3010
      The expression plasmid for all hepatitis C viral 
2967  pKS/TaxWT
      Human T-cell Leukemia Virus Tax1 encoded cDNA is 
      subcloned into pBluescript II SK (+).
2968  pTcf7wtluc
      Reporter plasmid carring TCF-binding consensus 
2969  pTcf7mtluc
      Reporter plasmid carring TCF-binding consensus 
2970  p123T-mSLP-C
      cDNA clone for mouse SVA-like protein in the clone 
2971  p123T-mSLP-M
      cDNA clone for mouse SLP in the mammary gland (SLP-M).
2972  p123T-rSLP-C
      cDNA clone for rat SVA-like protein in the clone (SLP-
2973  p123T-rSLP-M
      cDNA clone for rat SLP in the mammary gland (SLP-M).
2978  pFT7proI
      Reporter construct for fucosyltransferase VII gene. 
2979  HGT1/GSH11
      High-affinity glutathione transporter of Sactharomyces 
2980  rat brain His-tagged PAG608 cDNA
      Expression vector for rat PAG608.
2981  human RGS5
      Expression vector for human RGS5.
2982  deltaN-human RGS5
      Expression vector for human RGS5, truncated.
2983  pBMNDN
      cDNA clone of mouse necdin.
2984  pBGndn5
      Genomic cDNA clone of mouse necdin.
2985  pBGndn3
      Genomic cDNA clone of mouse necdin.
2986  pcHNDN
      Expression vector for human necdin.
3146  MRLC1/pBluescript
      Plasmid clone of human myosin regulatory light chain 1 
3147  MRLC2/pBluescript
      Plasmid clone of human myosin regulatory light chain 2 
3148  MRLC3/pBluescript
      Plasmid clone of human myosin regulatory light chain 3 
3149  MRLC2/pGEX
      Plasmid clone of human myosin regulatory light chain 2 
3150  MRLC2S19A/pGEX
      Plasmid clone of human myosin regulatory light chain 2 
3151  MRLC2T18AS19A/pGEX
      Plasmid clone of human myosin regulatory light chain 2 
3152  MRLC2/pcDNA3.1myc/His
      Expression vecotr of human myosin regulatory light 
      chain 2 cDNA.
3153  MRLC2T18AS19A/pcDNA3.1myc/His
      Expression vecotr of human myosin regulatory light 
      chain 2 cDNA.
3154  MRLC2T18AS19D/pcDNA3.1myc/His
      Expression vecotr of human myosin regulatory light 
      chain 2 cDNA.
3155  MRLC2T18DS19D/pcDNA3.1myc/His
      Expression vecotr of human myosin regulatory light 
      chain 2 cDNA.
3160  ZIPK/pBluescript
      Plasmid clone of human zipper-interacting protein 
      kinase cDNA.
3161  ZIPK/pGEX
      Plasmid clone of human zipper-interacting protein 
      kinase cDNA.
3162  ZIPKK42A/pGEX
      Plasmid clone of human zipper-interacting protein 
      kinase cDNA.
3163  ZIPK/pcDNA3.1
      Expression vector of human zipper-interacting protein 
      kinase cDNA.
3164  ZIPKK42A/pcDNA3.1
      Expression vector of human zipper-interacting protein 
      kinase cDNA.
3165  MRLC2S19A/pcDNA3.1myc/His
      Expression vecotr of human myosin regulatory light 
      chain 2 cDNA.
3166  MRLC1/pGEX
      Plasmid clone of human myosin regulatory light chain 1 
3167  MRLC3/pGEX
      Plasmid clone of human myosin regulatory light chain 3 
3168  MRLC2T18AS19D/pGEX
      Plasmid clone of human myosin regulatory light chain 2 
3169  MRLC2T18DS19D/pGEX
      Plasmid clone of human myosin regulatory light chain 2 
3170  MAPKAPK-4/pBluescript
      Plasmid clone of urchin mitogen-activated protein 
      kinase-activatad kinase-4 cDNA.
3171  casein kinaseI epsilon/pBluescript
      Plasmid clone of human casein kinase I epsilon cDNA.
3172  heat shock protein 27/pBluescript (HSP27/pBS)
      Plasmid clone of human heat shock protein 27 cDNA.
3175  pxcCAT1
      Expression vector of rat cationic amino acid 
      transporter 1.
3176  prCAT1
      Expression vector of rat cationic amino acid 
      transporter 1.
3177  pv-MOS
      Plasmid clone of mink v-mossequence.

■■■ 平成14年度 遺伝子材料開発室新規作製遺伝子材料 ■■■
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■ Plasmidならびにcosmid clone

2397  pAxCALNLrmaf1 (forward)
      Shuttle vector to produce recombinant adenovirus 
      expressing rat maf1
2398  pAxCALNLrmaf1 (reverse)
      Recombinant adenovirus expressing rat maf1.
2399  pAxCALNLrmaf2 (forward)
      Shuttle vector to produce recombinant adenovirus 
      expressing rat maf2
2400  pAxCALNLrmaf2 (reverse)
      Recombinant adenovirus expressing rat maf2.
2401  pAxCALNLmSIX2 (forward)
      Shuttle vector to produce recombinant adenovirus 
      expressing mouse six2
2402  pAxCALNLmSIX2 (reverse)
      Recombinant adenovirus expressing mouse SIX2.
2403  pAxCALNLmSIX3alpha (forward)
      Shuttle vector to produce recombinant adenovirus 
      expressing six3 alpha
2404  pAxCALNLmSIX3alpha (reverse)
      Recombinant adenovirus expressing mouse SIX3 alpha.
2405  pAxCALNLmAREC3 (forward)
      Shuttle vector to produce recombinant adenovirus 
      expressing mouse AREC3
2406  pAxCALNLmAREC3 (reverse)
      Recombinant adenovirus expressing mouse AREC3.
2407  pAxCALNLbPAPD167A (forward)
      Shuttle vector to produce recombinant adenovirus 
      expressing bovine PAP
2408  pAxCALNLbPAPD167A (reverse)
      Shuttle vector  to produce recombinant adenovirus 
      expressing bovine PAP
2456  phrgD175A
      Drosophila melanogaster hrg for polyA polymerase.
2457  phrgE
      Drosophila melanogaster hiiragi for polyA polymerase.
2458  phrg72UAST
      Genomic fragment of hrg.
2459  pUAS-hrgD175A
      Drosophila melanogaster hrg for polyA polymerase.
2460  phrgE-Myc
      Drosophila melanogaster hrg for polyA polymerase.
2461  phrg72b
      Genomic fragment of hrg.
2462  pUAS-hrgE
      Drosophila melanogaster hrg for polyA polymerase.
2463  phrgD175A-Myc
      Drosophila melanogaster hrg for polyA polymerase.
2481  pAxCAbPAPD113A (forward)
      Shuttle vector to produce recombinant adenovirus 
      expressing bovine PAP
2482  pAxCAbPAPD115A (forward)
      Shuttle vector to produce recombinant adenovirus 
      expressing bovine PAP
2483  pAxCAbPAP515 (forward)
      Shuttle vector to produce recombinant adenovirus 
      expressing bovine PAP
2486  pAxCAhSMAZ (forward)
      Shuttle vector to produce recombinant adenovirus 
      expressing human MAZ
2487  pAxCAhSMAZ (reverse)
      Shuttle vector to produce recombinant adenovirus 
      expressing human MAZ
2492  pAxCAhp53P13 (forward)
      Shuttle vector to produce recombinant adenovirus 
      expressing human p53
2493  pAxCAhp53P13 (reverse)
      Shuttle vector to generate recombinant adenovirus 
      harboring human p53
2494  pAxCAhp53P50 (forward)
      Shuttle vector to produce recombinant adenovirus 
      expressing human p53
2495  pAxCAhp53P50 (reverse)
      Shuttle vector to generate recombinant adenovirus 
      harboring human p53
2496  pAxCAhp53P16 (forward)
      Shuttle vector to produce recombinant adenovirus 
      expressing human p53
2497  pAxCAhp53P16 (reverse)
      Shuttle vector to generate recombinant adenovirus 
      harboring human p53
2498  pAxCAhp53P17 (forward)
      Shuttle vector to produce recombinant adenovirus 
      expressing human p53
2499  pAxCAhp53P17 (reverse)
      Shuttle vector to generate recombinant adenovirus 
      harboring human p53
2500  pAxCAhp53P19 (forward)
      Shuttle vector to produce recombinant adenovirus 
      expressing human p53
2501  pAxCAhp53P19 (reverse)
      Shuttle vector to generate recombinant adenovirus 
      harboring human p53
2502  pAxCAhp53P21 (forward)
      Shuttle vector to produce recombinant adenovirus 
      expressing human p53
2503  pAxCAhp53P21 (reverse)
      Shuttle vector to generate recombinant adenovirus 
      harboring human p53
2504  pAxCAhp53P24 (forward)
      Shuttle vector to produce recombinant adenovirus 
      expressing human p53
2505  pAxCAhp53P24 (reverse)
      Shuttle vector to generate recombinant adenovirus 
      harboring human p53
2506  pAxCAhp53P25 (forward)
      Shuttle vector to produce recombinant adenovirus 
      expressing human p53
2507  pAxCAhp53P25 (reverse)
      Shuttle vector to generate recombinant adenovirus 
      harboring human p53
2508  pAxCAhp53P26 (forward)
      Shuttle vector to produce recombinant adenovirus 
      expressing human p53
2509  pAxCAhp53P26 (reverse)
      Shuttle vector to generate recombinant adenovirus 
      harboring human p53
2510  pAxCAmIL-2R (forward)
      Shuttle vector to produce recombinant adenovirus 
      expressing mouse IL-2 receptor (IL-2R)
2511  pAxCAmIL-2R (reverse)
      Shuttle vector to generate recombinant adenovirus 
      harboring mouse IL-2R
2512  pAxCAmIL-4 (forward)
      Shuttle vector to produce recombinant adenovirus 
      expressing mouse IL-4 
2513  pAxCAmIL-4 (reverse)
      Shuttle vector to generate recombinant adenovirus 
      harboring mouse IL-4 
2514  pAxCAmTSC-22 (forward)
      Shuttle vector to produce recombinant adenovirus 
      expressing mouse TSC-22 (TGF beta 1inducible gene)
2515  pAxCAmTSC-22 (reverse)
      Shuttle vector to generate recombinant adenovirus 
      harboring mouse TSC-22
2516  pAxCAmELP (forward)
      Shuttle vector to produce recombinant adenovirus 
      expressing mouse ELP
2517  pAxCAmELP (reverse)
      Shuttle vector to generate recombinant adenovirus 
      harboring mouse ELP
2518  pAxCAmc-Jun (forward)
      Shuttle vector to produce recombinant adenovirus 
      expressing mouse c-Jun 
2519  pAxCAmc-Jun (reverse)
      Shuttle vector to generate recombinant adenovirus 
      harboring mouse c-Jun
2520  pAxCAmJunB (forward)
      Shuttle vector to produce recombinant adenovirus 
      expressing mouse junB
2521  pAxCAmJunB (reverse)
      Shuttle vector to generate recombinant adenovirus 
      harboring mouse junB
2522  pAxCAmJunD (forward)
      Shuttle vector to produce recombinant adenovirus 
      expressing mouse junD
2523  pAxCAmJunD (reverse)
      Shuttle vector to generate recombinant adenovirus 
      harboring mouse junD
2524  pAxCAmPOLOLK (forward)
      Shuttle vector to produce recombinant adenovirus 
      expressing mouse polo-like kinase (POLOLK)
2525  pAxCAmPOLOLK (reverse)
      Shuttle vector to generate recombinant adenovirus 
      harboring POLOLK
2526  pAxCArPRPPSI (forward)
      Shuttle vector to produce recombinant adenovirus 
      expressing rat phosphoribosyl pyrophosphate synthetase I 
      (PRPPS I)
2527  pAxCArPRPPSI (reverse)
      Shuttle vector to generate recombinant adenovirus 
      harboring rat PRPPS I
2528  pAxCArPRPPSII (forward)
      Shuttle vector to produce recombinant adenovirus 
      expressing rat phosphoribosyl pyrophosphate synthetase II 
      (PRPPS II)
2529  pAxCArPRPPSII (reverse)
      Shuttle vector to generate recombinant adenovirus 
      harboring rat PRPPS II
2530  pAxCAmCZ-21 (forward)
      Shuttle vector to produce recombinant adenovirus 
      expressing mouse cot proto-oncogene (CZ-21)
2531  pAxCAmCZ-21 (reverse)
      Shuttle vector to generate recombinant adenovirus 
      harboring mous CZ-21
2532  pAxCAmCDC46 (forward)
      Shuttle vector to produce recombinant adenovirus 
      expressing mous CDC46
2533  pAxCAmCDC46 (reverse)
      Shuttle vector to generate recombinant adenovirus 
      harboring mous CDC46
2534  pAxCAmSQUE (forward)
      Shuttle vector to produce recombinant adenovirus 
      expressing mous squalene epoxidase (SQUE)
2535  pAxCAmSQUE (reverse)
      Shuttle vector to generate recombinant adenovirus 
      harboring mous SQUE
2536  pAxCAmHNF4 (forward)
      Shuttle vector to produce recombinant adenovirus 
      expressing mous hepatocyte nuclear factor 4 (HNF4)
2537  pAxCAmHNF4(reverse)
      Shuttle vector to generate recombinant adenovirus 
      harboring mous HNF4
2538  pAxCAr5I2antigen (forward)
      Shuttle vector to produce recombinant adenovirus 
      expressing rat 5I2 antigen
2539  pAxCAr5I2antigen (reverse)
      Shuttle vector to generate recombinant adenovirus 
      harboring rat 5I2 antigen
2540  pAxCArSHP (forward)
      Shuttle vector to produce recombinant adenovirus 
      expressing rat small heterodimer partner homolog (SHP)
2541  pAxCArSHP (reverse)
      Shuttle vector to generate recombinant adenovirus 
      harboring rat SHP
2542  pAxCArGATA-4 (forward)
      Shuttle vector to produce recombinant adenovirus 
      expressing rat GATA-GT2 (GATA-4)
2543  pAxCArGATA-4 (reverse)
      Shuttle vector to generate recombinant adenovirus 
      harboring GATA-4
2544  pAxCAmERK2 (forward)
      Shuttle vector to produce recombinant adenovirus 
      expressing mouse extracellular signal-regulated kinase 2 
2545  pAxCAmERK2 (reverse)
      Shuttle vector to generate recombinant adenovirus 
      harboring mouse ERK2
2548  pBluescript II KS(-) Ad5VA clone 1
      human adenovirus type 5 VA gene
2549  pBluescript II KS(-) Ad5VA clone 3
      human adenovirus type 5 VA gene
2550  pBluescript II KS(-) Ad5VA clone 14
      human adenovirus type 5 VA gene
2551  pBluescript II KS(-) Ad5VA clone 25
      human adenovirus type 5 VA gene
2552  pBluescript II KS(-) Ad5VA clone 47
      human adenovirus type 5 VA gene
2567  pAxCAhTyrosinase (forward)
      Shuttle vector to produce recombinant adenovirus 
      expressing human tyrosinase 
2568  pAxCAhTyrosinase (reverse)
      Shuttle vector to generate recombinant adenovirus 
      harboring human tyrosinase
2571  pAxCAhDCCFL (forward)
      Shuttle vector to produce recombinant adenovirus 
      expressing human deleted in colorectal cancer gene (DCC) 
2572  pAxCAhDCCExtra (forward)
      Shuttle vector to produce recombinant adenovirus 
      expressing human deleted in colorectal cancer gene (DCC) 
2573  pAxCAhDCCcyto (forward)
      Shuttle vector to produce recombinant adenovirus 
      expressing human deleted in colorectal cancer gene (DCC)
2574  pAxCAhDCCcyto (reverse)
      Shuttle vector to generate recombinant adenovirus 
      harboring human deleted in colorectal cancer gene (DCC)
2575  pAxCArmaf1 (forward)
      Shuttle vector to produce recombinant adenovirus 
      expressing rat maf1
2576  pAxCArmaf1 (reverse)
      Shuttle vector to generate recombinant adenovirus 
      harboring rat maf1
2577  pAxCArmaf2 (forward)
      Shuttle vector to produce recombinant adenovirus 
      expressing rat maf1
2578  pAxCArmaf2 (reverse)
      Shuttle vector to generate recombinant adenovirus 
      harboring rat maf1
2579  pAxCAmSIX2 (forward)
      Shuttle vector to produce recombinant adenovirus 
      expressing mouse six2 
2580  pAxCAmSIX2 (reverse)
      Shuttle vector to generate recombinant adenovirus 
      harboring mouse six2 
2581  pAxCAmSIX3alpha (forward)
      Shuttle vector to produce recombinant adenovirus 
      expressing mouse six3 alpha
2582  pAxCAmSIX3alpha (reverse)
      Shuttle vector to generate recombinant adenovirus 
      harboring mouse six3 alpha
2583  pAxCAmAREC3 (forward)
      Shuttle vector to produce recombinant adenovirus 
      expressing mouse AREC3
2584  pAxCAmAREC3 (reverse)
      Shuttle vector to generate recombinant adenovirus 
      harboring mouse AREC3
2587  pAxCArCalmodurin C (forward)
      Shuttle vector to produce recombinant adenovirus 
      expressing rabbit calmodulin C
2588  pAxCArCalmodurin C (reverse)
      Shuttle vector to generate recombinant adenovirus 
      harboring rabbit calmodulin C
2589  pAxCAmOSF-1 (forward)
      Shuttle vector to produce recombinant adenovirus 
      expressing mouse OSF-1
2590  pAxCAmOSF-1 (reverse)
      Shuttle vector to generate recombinant adenovirus 
      harboring mouse OSF-1
2591  pAxCArNDPK (forward)
      Shuttle vector to produce recombinant adenovirus 
      expressing rat NDPK 
2592  pAxCArNDPK (reverse)
      Shuttle vector to generate recombinant adenovirus 
      harboring rat NDPK
2593  pAxCAmSPI-2 (forward)
      Shuttle vector to produce recombinant adenovirus 
      expressing mouse SPI-2
2594  pAxCAmSPI-2 (reverse)
      Shuttle vector to generate recombinant adenovirus 
      harboring mouse SPI-2
2595  pAxCArCaMKIbeta (forward)
      Shuttle vector to produce recombinant adenovirus 
      expressing rat CaMKI beta 
2596  pAxCArCaMKIbeta (reverse)
      Shuttle vector to generate recombinant adenovirus 
      harboring rat CaMKI beta 
2597  pAxCAhMAZHis (forward)
      Shuttle vector to produce recombinant adenovirus 
      expressing human MAZ
2598  pAxCAhMAZHis (reverse)
      Shuttle vector to generate recombinant adenovirus 
      harboring human MAZ
2599  pAxCACBPhMAZHis (forward)
      Shuttle vector to produce recombinant adenovirus 
      expressing human MAZ
2600  pAxCACBPhMAZHis (reverse)
      Shuttle vector to generate recombinant adenovirus 
      harboring human MAZ
2601  pAxCAhHDAC1 (forward)
      Shuttle vector to produce recombinant adenovirus 
      expressing human histone deacetylase 1 (HDAC1)
2602  pAxCAhHDAC1 (reverse)
      Shuttle vector to generate recombinant adenovirus 
      harboring human histone deacetylase 1 (HDAC1)
2603  pAxCAhSp3 (forward)
      Shuttle vector to produce recombinant adenovirus 
      expressing human Sp3
2604  pAxCAhSp3 (reverse)
      Shuttle vector to generate recombinant adenovirus 
      harboring human Sp3
2605  pAxCAhSp4 (forward)
      Shuttle vector to produce recombinant adenovirus 
      expressing human Sp4
2606  pAxCAhSp4 (reverse)
      Shuttle vector to generate recombinant adenovirus 
      harboring human Sp4
2607  pAxCAhSp1 (forward)
      Shuttle vector to produce recombinant adenovirus 
      expressing human Sp1
2608  pAxCAhSp1 (reverse)
      Shuttle vector to generate recombinant adenovirus 
      harboring human Sp1
2621  pAxCAbPAPD167A (forward)
      Shuttle vector to produce recombinant adenovirus 
      expressing bovine PAP
2622  pAxCAbPAPD167A (reverse)
      Shuttle vector to generate recombinant adenovirus 
      harboring bovine PAP
2623  pAxCAhPCAF (forward)
      Shuttle vector to produce recombinant adenovirus 
      expressing human PCAF
2624  pAxCAhPCAF (reverse)
      Shuttle vector to generate recombinant adenovirus 
      harboring human PCAF
2625  pAxCAmJDP2 (forward)
      Shuttle vector to produce recombinant adenovirus 
      expressing mouse TIF (JDP2)
2626  pAxCAmJDP2 (reverse)
      Shuttle vector to generate recombinant adenovirus 
      harboring mouse TIF (JDP2)
2627  pAxCAhIL15 (forward)
      Shuttle vector to produce recombinant adenovirus 
      expressing human IL15
2628  pAxCAhIL15 (reverse)
      Shuttle vector to generate recombinant adenovirus 
      harboring human IL15
2629  pAxCAhp53R273H (forward)
      Shuttle vector to produce recombinant adenovirus 
      expressing human p53
2630  pAxCAhp53R273H (reverse)
      shuttle vector to produce recombinant adenovirus 
      expressing human p53R273H
2653  pAxCALNLbPAP (forward)
      shuttle vector to produce recombinant adenovirus 
      expressing bovine PAP 
2654  pAxCALNLbPAP (reverse)
      shuttle vector to produce recombinant adenovirus 
      expressing bovine PAP 
2667  pAxCALNLhCDC25B (forward)
      shuttle vector to produce recombinant adenovirus 
      expressing human CDC25B
2668  pAxCALNLhCDC25B (reverse)
      shuttle vector to produce recombinant adenovirus 
      expressing human CDC25B
2669  pAxCALNLhWEE1 (forward)
      shuttle vector to produce recombinant adenovirus 
      expressing human WEE1
2670  pAxCALNLhWEE1 (reverse)
      shuttle vector to produce recombinant adenovirus 
      expressing human WEE1
2671  pAxCALNLhBST-1 (forward)
      shuttle vector to produce recombinant adenovirus 
      expressing human BST-1
2672  pAxCALNLhBST-1 (reverse)
      shuttle vector to produce recombinant adenovirus 
      expressing human BST-1
2673  pAxCALNLhDAD1 (forward)
      shuttle vector to produce recombinant adenovirus 
      expressing human DAD1
2674  pAxCALNLhDAD1 (reverse)
      shuttle vector to produce recombinant adenovirus 
      expressing human DAD1
2675  pAxCALNLbPAPD113A (forward)
      shuttle vector to produce recombinant adenovirus 
      expressing bovine PAPD113A
2676  pAxCALNLbPAPD113A (reverse)
      shuttle vector to produce recombinant adenovirus 
      expressing bovine PAPD113A
2677  pAxCALNLbPAPD115A (forward)
      shuttle vector to produce recombinant adenovirus 
      expressing bovine PAPD115A 
2678  pAxCALNLbPAPD115A (reverse)
      shuttle vector to produce recombinant adenovirus 
      expressing bovine PAPD115A 
2679  pAxCALNLbPAP515 (forward)
      shuttle vector to produce recombinant adenovirus 
      expressing bovine PAP 515
2680  pAxCALNLbPAP515 (reverse)
      shuttle vector to produce recombinant adenovirus 
      expressing bovine PAP 515
2681  pAxCALNLhSMAZ (forward)
      shuttle vector to produce recombinant adenovirus 
      expressing human MAZ
2682  pAxCALNLhSMAZ (reverse)
      shuttle vector to produce recombinant adenovirus 
      expressing human MAZ
2693  pAxCALNLmc-Jun (forward)
      shuttle vector to produce recombinant adenovirus 
      expressing mouse c-jun
2694  pAxCALNLmc-Jun (reverse)
      shuttle vector to produce recombinant adenovirus 
      expressing mouse c-jun
2695  pAxCALNLmJunB (forward)
      shuttle vector to produce recombinant adenovirus 
      expressing mouse junB
2696  pAxCALNLmJunB (reverse)
      shuttle vector to produce recombinant adenovirus 
      expressing mouse junB
2697  pAxCALNLmJunD (forward)
      shuttle vector to produce recombinant adenovirus 
      expressing mouse junD
2698  pAxCALNLmJunD (reverse)
      shuttle vector to produce recombinant adenovirus 
      expressing mouse junD
2699  pAxCALNLhDCCFL (forward)
      shuttle vector to produce recombinant adenovirus 
      expressing human dcc
2700  pAxCALNLhDCCcyto (forward)
      shuttle vector to produce recombinant adenovirus 
      expressing human dcc
2701  pAxCALNLhDCCcyto (reverse)
      shuttle vector to produce recombinant adenovirus 
      expressing human dcc
2702  pAxCALNLhMAZHis (forward)
      shuttle vector to produce recombinant adenovirus 
      expressing human MAZ
2703  pAxCALNLhMAZHis (reverse)
      shuttle vector to produce recombinant adenovirus 
      expressing human MAZ
2704  pAxCALNLhHDAC1 (forward)
      shuttle vector to produce recombinant adenovirus 
      expressing human HDAC1
2705  pAxCALNLhHDAC1 (reverse)
      shuttle vector to produce recombinant adenovirus 
      expressing human HDAC1
2706  pAxCALNLhSp3 (forward)
      shuttle vector to produce recombinant adenovirus 
      expressing human Sp3
2707  pAxCALNLhSp3 (reverse)
      shuttle vector to produce recombinant adenovirus 
      expressing human Sp3
2708  pAxCALNLhSp4 (forward)
      shuttle vector to produce recombinant adenovirus 
      expressing human Sp4
2709  pAxCALNLhSp4 (reverse)
      shuttle vector to produce recombinant adenovirus 
      expressing human Sp4
2710  pAxCALNLhSp1 (forward)
      shuttle vector to produce recombinant adenovirus 
      expressing human Sp1
2711  pAxCALNLhSp1 (reverse)
      shuttle vector to produce recombinant adenovirus 
      expressing human Sp1
2712  pAxCALNLhp53R273H (forward)
      shuttle vector to produce recombinant adenovirus 
      expressing human p53R273H
2713  pAxCALNLhp53R273H (reverse)
      shuttle vector to produce recombinant adenovirus 
      expressing human p53R273H
2715  pAxCALNLhPCAF (reverse)
      shuttle vector to produce recombinant adenovirus 
      expressing human PCAF
2716  pAxCALNLmJDP2 (forward)
      shuttle vector to produce recombinant adenovirus 
      expressing mouse JDP2
2717  pAxCALNLmJDP2 (reverse)
      shuttle vector to produce recombinant adenovirus 
      expressing mouse JDP2
2830  pAxCALNLCBPhMAZHis (forward)
      Shuttle vector to generate recombinant adenovirus 
      expressing human MAZ.
2831  pAxCALNLCBPhMAZHis (reverse)
      Shuttle vector to generate recombinant adenovirus 
      harboring MAZ.
2832  pAxCALNLmIL15 (forward)
      Shuttle vector to generate recombinant adenovirus 
      expressing mouse interleukin 15.
2833  pAxCALNLmIL15 (reverse)
      Shuttle vector to generate recombinant adenovirus 
      harboring mouse interleukin 15
2931  pMThrgWTMyc
      Drosophila poly(A) polymerase.
2932  pMThrgD175AMyc
      Drosophila poly(A) polymerase.

– – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –
■ 組換えアデノウイルス

2409  AxCALNLrmaf1 (forward)
      Recombinant adenovirus expressing rat maf1
2410  AxCALNLrmaf2 (forward)
      Recombinant adenovirus expressing rat maf2
2411  AxCALNLmSIX2 (forward)
      Recombinant adenovirus expressing mouse six2
2412  AxCALNLmSIX3alpha (forward)
      Recombinant adenovirus expressing mouse six alpha
2413  AxCALNLmAREC3 (forward)
      Recombinant adenovirus expressing mouse AREC3
2414  AxCALNLbPAPD167A (forward)
      Recombinant adenovirus harboring bovine poly(A) 
      polymerase cDNA. 
2758  AxCAmIL-2R (forward)
      Recombinant adenovirus harboring mouse IL-2 receptor 
      (IL-2R) cDNA. 
2759  AxCAmIL-4 (forward)
      Recombinant adenovirus harboring mouse IL-4 cDNA. 
2760  AxCAmTSC-22 (forward)
      Recombinant adenovirus harboring mouse TSC-22 (TGF 
      beta 1 inducible gene) cDNA. 
2761  AxCAmELP (forward)
      Recombinant adenovirus harboring mouse embryonal LTR-
      binding protein (ELP) cDNA. 
2762  AxCAmc-Jun (forward)
      Recombinant adenovirus harboring mouse c-Jun cDNA. 
2763  AxCAmJunD (forward)
      Recombinant adenovirus harboring mouse JunD cDNA. 
2764  AxCAmPOLOLK (forward)
      Recombinant adenovirus harboring mouse polo-like 
      kinase cDNA. 
2765  AxCArPRPPSI (forward)
      Recombinant adenovirus harboring rat phosphoribosyl 
      pyrophosphate synthetase I. 
2766  AxCArPRPPSII (forward)
      Recombinant adenovirus harboring rat phosphoribosyl 
      pyrophosphate synthetase II. 
2767  AxCAmCZ-21 (forward)
      Recombinant adenovirus harboring mouse cot proto-
      oncogene (CZ-21) cDNA. 
2768  AxCAmSQUE (forward)
      Recombinant adenovirus harboring mouse squalene 
      epoxidase cDNA. 
2769  AxCAmHNF4 (forward)
      Recombinant adenovirus harboring mouse hepatocyte 
      nuclear factor 4 cDNA. 
2770  AxCArGATA-4 (forward)
      Recombinant adenovirus harboring rat GATA-GT2 (GATA-
2775  AxCAmOSF-1 (forward)
      Recombinant adenovirus harboring mouse OSF-1 
      (pleiotrophin) cDNA. 
2776  AxCArNDPK (forward)
      Recombinant adenovirus harboring rat nucleotide 
      diphosphate kinase. 
2777  AxCAmSPI-2 (forward)
      Recombinant adenovirus harboring mouse contrapsin 
      (SPI-2) cDNA. 
2778  AxCArCaMKIbeta (forward)
      Recombinant adenovirus harboring rat calmodulin kinase 
      I beta. 
2786  AxCALNLbPAP (forward)
      Recombinant adenovirus harboring bovine poly(A) 
      polymerase cDNA. 
2791  AxCALNLbPAPD113A (forward)
      Recombinant adenovirus harboring bovine poly(A) 
      polymerase cDNA. 
2792  AxCALNLbPAPD115A (forward)
      Recombinant adenovirus harboring bovine poly(A) 
      polymerase cDNA. 
2793  AxCALNLbPAP515 (forward)
      Recombinant adenovirus harboring bovine poly(A) 
      polymerase cDNA. 
2800  AxCALNLmJunB (forward)
      Recombinant adenovirus harboring mouse JunB cDNA. 
2801  AxCALNLmJunD (forward)
      Recombinant adenovirus harboring mouse JunD cDNA. 
2814  AxCALNLmIL15 (forward)
      Recombinant adenovirus harboring mouse IL15 cDNA. 
3183  AxCAhp53KP1070
      Recombinant adenovirus harboring human p53 cDNA.
3184  AxCAhp53KP1094
      Recombinant adenovirus harboring human p53 cDNA.
3185  AxCAhp53KP1007
      Recombinant adenovirus harboring human p53 cDNA.
3186  AxCAhp53KP1010
      Recombinant adenovirus harboring human p53 cDNA.
3187  AxCAhp53KP1065
      Recombinant adenovirus harboring human p53 cDNA.

■■■ 所属を変更される方へ ■■■
■ 所属の変更に伴いご連絡先に変更がある方は、お早めにDNAバンクまでご連絡頂きます様、お願いいたします。

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