Catalog no. | Type | Name of clone | Running title |
RDB02968 | DNA clone | pTcf7wtluc | Reporter plasmid carring TCF-binding consensus sequence |
RDB02969 | DNA clone | pTcf7mtluc | Reporter plasmid carring TCF-binding consensus sequence |
RDB06776 | DNA clone | TP1-luc(981-6) (a.k.a. pGa981-6) | Reporter construct containing the hexamerized 50 bp EBNA2 response element of the TP-1 promoter. |
Our Constructed Element
37 sets of reporter element which consists of wild-type and mutated elements abut Renilla luciferase reporter gene.
Name of wild-type clone | Running title | Wild-type | Mutant | Map | ||
forward | reverse | forward | reverse | |||
pAP1/PMA | Reporter construct of AP1 responce element/PMA | RDB03449 | RDB03450 | RDB03451 | RDB3449.pdf | |
p3AP1/PMA(F) | Reporter construct of AP1 responce element/PMA | RDB03452 | RDB03453 | RDB03454 | RDB03455 | RDB3452.pdf |
pCRE | Reporter construct of CRE responce element/PMA | RDB03456 | RDB03457 | RDB03458 | RDB3456.pdf | |
p3CRE | Reporter construct of CRE responce element/PMA | RDB03459 | RDB03460 | RDB03461 | RDB3459.pdf | |
![]() Assay was done in a 24-well plate. 0.5 ug each of reporter and explression plasmids, respectivery, were used. Luciferase activity was normalized by that of wildtype (RDB03459) and mutant (RDB03460) reporter, respectively. |
pDRE(F) | Reporter construct of DRE responce element/PMA | RDB03462 | RDB03463 | RDB03464 | RDB03465 | RDB3462.pdf |
pC/EBP RE-TK hRluc(F) | Reporter construct of C/EBP response element | RDB05595 | RDB05658 | RDB05596 | RDB05659 | RDB5595.pdf |
pCACCCBox RE-TK hRluc(F) | Reporter construct of CACCCBox(EKLF) response element | RDB05618 | RDB05677 | RDB05619 | RDB5618.pdf | |
pCrAG RE-TK hRluc(F) | Reporter construct of CrAG response element | RDB05580 | RDB05644 | RDB05581 | RDB05645 | RDB5580.pdf |
pE-Box RE-TK hRluc(F) | Reporter construct of E-Box response element | RDB05587 | RDB05652 | RDB05588 | RDB5587.pdf | |
pE2F RE-TK hRluc(F) | Reporter construct of E2F response element | RDB05578 | RDB05642 | RDB05579 | RDB05643 | RDB5578.pdf |
pEgr-1 RE-TK hRluc(F) | Reporter construct of Egr-1 response element | RDB05597 | RDB05660 | RDB05598 | RDB05661 | RDB5597.pdf |
pER RE-TK hRluc(F) | Reporter construct of ER (estrogen receptor) response element | RDB05626 | RDB05683 | RDB05627 | RDB05684 | RDB5626.pdf |
pEts RE-TK hRluc(F) | Reporter construct of Ets response element | RDB05602 | RDB05665 | RDB05603 | RDB05666 | RDB5602.pdf |
pFXR RE-TK hRluc(F) | Reporter construct of FXR response element | RDB05636 | RDB05695 | RDB05637 | RDB05690 | RDB5636.pdf |
pGAS RE-TK hRluc(F) | Reporter construct of GAS(gamma-interferon activation site) response element | RDB05624 | RDB05681 | RDB05625 | RDB05682 | RDB5624.pdf |
pGATA RE-TK hRluc(F) | Reporter construct of GATA response element | RDB05599 | RDB05600 | RDB05662 | RDB5599.pdf | |
pGR RE-TK hRluc(F) | Reporter construct of GR (glucocorticoid receptor) response element | RDB05628 | RDB05629 | RDB05685 | RDB5628.pdf | |
pHRE-TK hRluc(F) | Reporter construct of HRE(HIF response element) | RDB05612 | RDB05673 | RDB05613 | RDB5612.pdf | |
pHSF RE-TK hRluc(F) | Reporter construct of HSF response element | RDB05606 | RDB05607 | RDB05669 | RDB5606.pdf | |
pHTLV RE-TK hRluc(F) | Reporter construct of HTLV response element | RDB05584 | RDB05648 | RDB05585 | RDB05649 | RDB5584.pdf |
pISRE-TK hRluc(F) | Reporter construct of ISRE (interferon response element) | RDB05610 | RDB05611 | RDB05672 | RDB5610.pdf | |
pMAREI-TK hRluc(F) | Reporter construct of MAF response elementI | RDB05693 | RDB05670 | RDB05694 | RDB05671 | RDB5693.pdf |
pMAREII-TK hRluc | Reporter construct of MAF response elementII | RDB05608 | RDB05609 | RDB5608.pdf | ||
pMEF2 RE-TK hRluc(F) | Reporter construct of MEF2 response element | RDB05692 | RDB05663 | RDB05601 | RDB05664 | RDB5692.pdf |
pMyb-Box RE-TK hRluc(F) | Reporter construct of Myb-Box response element | RDB05591 | RDB05654 | RDB05592 | RDB05655 | RDB5591.pdf |
pN-Box RE-TK hRluc(F) | Reporter construct of N-Box response element | RDB05589 | RDB05653 | RDB05590 | RDB5589.pdf | |
pNF-kappaB RE-TK hRluc(F) | Reporter construct of NF-kappaB response element | RDB05576 | RDB05640 | RDB05577 | RDB05641 | RDB5576.pdf |
pNFAT RE-TK hRluc(F) | Reporter construct of NFAT response element | RDB05604 | RDB05667 | RDB05605 | RDB05668 | RDB5604.pdf |
pOCTA RE-TK hRluc(F) | Reporter construct of OCTA response element | RDB05586 | RDB05650 | RDB05691 | RDB05651 | RDB5586.pdf |
pp53-Box RE-TK hRluc(F) | Reporter construct of p53-Box response element | RDB05593 | RDB05656 | RDB05594 | RDB05657 | RDB5593.pdf |
pRAR RE-TK hRluc(F) | Reporter construct of RAR (retinoic acid receptor) response element | RDB05634 | RDB05688 | RDB05635 | RDB05689 | RDB5634.pdf |
pSmad RE-TK hRluc(F) | Reporter construct of Smad response element | RDB05622 | RDB05679 | RDB05623 | RDB05680 | RDB5622.pdf |
pSP-1 RE-TK hRluc(F) | Reporter construct of SP-1 response element | RDB05574 | RDB05638 | RDB05575 | RDB05639 | RDB5574.pdf |
pSRE-TK hRluc(F) | Reporter construct of SRE (serum response element) | RDB05582 | RDB05646 | RDB05583 | RDB05647 | RDB5582.pdf |
pSTAT RE-TK hRluc(F) | Reporter construct of STAT response element | RDB05616 | RDB05617 | RDB05676 | RDB5616.pdf | |
pTCCBox RE-TK hRluc(F) | Reporter construct of TCCBox(SMYD3) response element | RDB05620 | RDB05621 | RDB05678 | RDB5620.pdf | |
pTCF RE-TK hRluc(F) | Reporter construct of TCF response element | RDB05614 | RDB05674 | RDB05615 | RDB05675 | RDB5614.pdf |
pTR RE-TK hRluc(F) | Reporter construct of TR (thyroid hormone receptor) response element | RDB05630 | RDB05631 | RDB05686 | RDB5630.pdf | |
pVDR RE-TK hRluc(F) | Reporter construct of VDR (vitamin D receptor) response element | RDB05632 | RDB05633 | RDB05687 | RDB5632.pdf |