Recombinant virus hub


Recombinant Virus Hub

Recombinant retrovirus vectors

Catalog num. Clone name Description
RDB18952 pMXs-AMNN-puro Retroviral expression vector derived from pMXs-puro by adding restiction sites, ApaI, MluI, NruI, and NspV.
RDB03043 pMNSM Retrovirus expression vector in eukaryotic cells
RDB01699 pRx nZ ires Neo Nls (nuclear localization signal), lacZ, ires, neo

Recombinant AAV vectors

Catalog num. Clone name Description
RDB15110 pAAV2-DEST(f) Gateway(R) destination vector of AAV2 [forword].
RDB15111 pAAV2-DEST(r) Gateway(R) destination vector of AAV2 [reverse].
RDB18685 pAAV2-SYN-tTAad-BGHpA AAV2 expression vector of tetracycline-controlled transactivator (tTA Advanced, a.k.a tTAad) driven by the neuron-specific promoter, human synapsin I.
RDB13211 pAAV-Enk-FtTA AAV vector of tTA under the control of Enkephalin promoter
RDB13212 pAAV-SP-FtTA AAV vector of tTA under the control of Substance P promoter

(2010.05.19 T.M.)


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