Prepayment of distribution fees (overseas organizations only) (2015.12.05)
Award (2015.10.23)
- Ms. Ayumi Hasegawa of Bioresource Engineering Division has won the JRD Outstanding Paper Award (2015/10/23)
- Dr. Rikiya Endoh of Microbe Division (JCM) has won The 7th ANRRC International Meeting Best Poster Award (2015/10/23)
Genes involved in the DNA repair (2015.10.07 T.M.)
- Genetic resources for genes involved in the DNA repair are available.
- Looking forward to receiving your request. [Click here]
Getting BioResources through the PubMed! (2015.07.10 T.M.)
- The PubMed is not only for searching research articles.
- Please click on the “LinkOut – more resources” link following Abstract section. “NBRP resources -National BioResource Project” in the expanded list of “Research materials” provides you a link to a resouce catalog as well as research articles. [Click here!]
The 7th Asian Network of Research Resource Centers (ANRRC) International Meeting (2015.07.08, T.M.)
Perspectives: Banking on biological tools for research innovation (2014.09.27)
- The biodiversity of the natural world is an unrivaled source of inspiration and learning. Scientists in the many branches of the life sciences have spent endless hours studying many of the millions of species… >>more
Quality Examination and Information Release Policy on Our Bioresources(2014.09.01)
RIKEN BRC Seminar: Recombinant Adenovirus, July 18 (2014.07.04)
Date, July 18, 2014
Time, 16:00-
Location, Moriwaki-Kazuo Hall, Tsukuba campus
Language, Japanese
- Speaker 1
Saki Kondo, PhD
Laboratory of Molecular Genetics,
The Institute of Medical Science, The University of Tokyo
Improved helper-dependent (HD) adenovirus vectors capable of carrying 30kb DNA and practical issues for establishing supply system
- Speaker 2
Izumu Saito, M.D,. Ph.D
Laboratory of Molecular Genetics,
The Institute of Medical Science, The University of Tokyo Supply and feedback of frontier adenovirus vectors: switching of cell- specific expression, increase of shRNA effect and possible application to CRISPR system
The 122nd RIKEN BRC SEMINAR (Language, in Japanese)
The Third RIKEN BRC/Nanjing University MARC International Summer Intensive Course of the Mouse (2014.05.09)
Link between KEGG and our genetic materials (2014.05.03)
- The KEGG (Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes) database of pathways and orthologs among human, mouse and fission yeast are now linked to our clones and can be searched by users.
Click here!
Revision of Distribution Fees for the Bioresources.
- Due to changes in prices and protocols since the last revision of our fees, it has become necessary to revise them again.
Revision of Distribution Fees on April 1, 2014.
The 2013 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine
- Genetic resources for regulation of vesicle traffic are available.
Looking forward to receiving your request.
Please visit here for resources.
Brachypodium distachyon (experimental plant of monocot)
Full-length cDNA clones are open for distribution
ANRRC 2013 -The 5th ANRRC International Meeting-
- Please visit here for datail .
Common marmoset EST clone is now available
- Please visit here for datail .
Dr. Kazuo Moriwaki Awarded by MEXT Minister
- Please visit here for datail .(2013.04.24)
Gene-constructed Recombinant Adenovirus!
- More than 250 recombinant adenoviruses are available.
They can be used for the infection of cultured mammalian cells as well as of living mice.
For example, Kumadaki, S. et al. [J. Biol. Chem., 286 (47): 40835-40846 (2011)] reported that Cre recombinase expressed by adenovirus AxCANCre (catalog # RDB01748) was used for the restricted gene disruption in the liver cells of KLF5 floxed mice.
We also provide HEK293 cell (catalog # RCB1637) for production and amplification of recombinant adenovirus and HeLa cell (catalog # RCB0007) for detection of replication competent adenovirus (RCA).
Recombinant Adenovirus
Genomic DNA – Be free from cultivation and breading!!
- We extract genomic DNAs from a microbe or a mouse strain of your need.
JCM Microbial Genomic DNA
BRC Mouse Genomic DNA
Revision of Distribution Fees for the Bioresources
- Please visit here for datail .
Expression vectors for mammalian cells
- We provide the expression-confirmed clones of human transcription factors (bZIP and nuclear hormone receptor). Empty expression vectors under the control of CMV promoter carrying T7-, HA-, Myc- (Dr. Yoshihiro Takemoto, DNA Cell Biol. 16: 893-896, 1997) or FLAG-tag are also available.
Monitoring transfection efficiency by GFP expression clone
- We recommend a GFP expression clone pCMFlag_EGFP (cat # RDB 6071) to monitor the efficiency of transfection in mammalian cells. Mix pCMFlag_EGFP with your expression clones, transfect mammalian cells with them, and then count the number of GFP-positive cells under the fluorescent microscope. We are looking forward to sending the pCMFlag_EGFP to you.
Please visit here for datail .
A gene required for growth and differentiation of pluripotential cells in the mouse embryos.
- Identification of gene that promotes differentiation of pluripotential cells through the analysis of classical mouse mutant. MSM/Ms Mouse BAC Clones were used for the research.
Dr. Yamanaka wins Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine for his work in iPS cell technology.
- RIKEN BRC is providing various iPS and mouse resources deposited by Dr. Yamanaka. Please click the following links.
GFP Resources
- RIKEN BioResource Center (RIKEN BRC) and GE Healthcare Bio-Sciences (GE) concluded an agreement for the transfer of bioresources containing green fluorescent protein (GFP bioresources) to investigators at academic institutions. By generosity of GE, RIKEN BRC is able to distribute the GFP bioresources to non-profit and academic researches without license fees.
Furthermore, we are now able to distribute the GFP bioresources to for-profit entities with Bona fide Licensees of GE as of May 22, 2012.
Please visit the following web site for more information.
[Distribution of GFP bioresources (link)]
List of GFP Bioresources
[GFP Resources (link)]
Announcement of closure of all operations at RIKEN BioResource Center and Tsukuba Institute for three days from August 20 to 22, 2012.
- We would like to inform you that RIKEN will be closed for three days from August 20 to 22, 2012 as a continuing policy for conserving electricity, energy and environment.
RIKEN BioResource Center and Tsukuba Institute will be also closed during the same period. All our operations regarding bioresources and all clerical work will be suspended during this period.
We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause. We would like to ask you for your patience and cooperation. All our operations will resume on Thursday, August 23.
Thank you very much for your understanding.
1. Period: From August 20, Monday to August 22, Wednesday, 2012
2. Our operations to be suspended:
Telephone inquiry and email response
Processing of orders on bioresources
Shipment of bioresources
Sending quotations and invoices
All clerical work
G-CaMP is available.
- G-CaMP, genetically-encoded fluorescent calcium sensor cDNAs encoding a fusion protein of EGFP, calmodulin, and the M13 peptide from myosin light chain kinase were deposited by Dr. Jin-ichi Nakai, Brain Science Institute, RIKEN and Saitama University.
p38alpha MAP kinase pathway (2012.02.18)
- Please visit Gene Set Collection.
Biomass Collection. (2011.12.09)
- Expression plasmids and plasmid clones of cellulase gene of Trichoderma reesei is available.
GFP Resources (2011.09.16)
- RIKEN BRC signs GFP Transfer License with GE Healthcare Bio-Sciences.
NRCD Human Full-Length cDNA Clones
- NRCD Human Full-Length cDNA Clones produced and organized by Dr. Seishi Kato of the Research Institute of National Rehabilitation Center for Persons with Disabilities is available to academia under its distribution policy. (2011.08.16)
Newly deposited genetic materials. (2011.06.08)
- Please visit our web page.
Suspension of operation at RIKEN BioResource Center (BRC) for three days in this summer, from August 22 to August 24, 2011. (2011.06.02)
- To cooperate with the sever shortage of electricity supply expected in this summer due to the Eastern Japan Disaster, RIKEN will close its all campuses and facilities for three days, from Monday, August 22 to Wednesday, August 24 (RIKEN’s response to the Tohoku Pacific Offshore Earthquake). During the period, RIKEN BRC will also suspend its all operation, including shipments of bioresources and responses to the orders and inquiries.
All operation at RIKEN BRC will be conducted normally until Friday, August 19 and from Thursday, August 25.
This suspension may cause some inconvenience to our users. We sincerely ask you for your understanding and cooperation.
RIKEN BioResource Center
C57BL/6N (B6N) BAC library (2011.03.31)
- We have just accomplished end-sequencing of the C57BL/6N (B6N) BAC library, and published the data through our web site.
Resumption of Delivery of Bioresources. (2011.03.28)
Plan for Resumption of Delivery of Bioresources. (2011.03.22)
Temporal Suspension of Delivery of Bioresources due to the Earthquake. (2011.03.14)
Newly deposited genetic materials. (2010.11.24)
- Please visit our web page .
Report of the 2nd ANRRC (Asian Network of Research Resource Centers) Meeting is updated. (2010.11.15)
List of promoter activity of Firefly Luciferase Construct is up dated (2010.10.26)
- Please visit our Promoter Resource Collection .
Depositors List is up dated (2010.09.08)
- Please visit our Depositors List of Genetic Materials in the Gene Engineering Division.
Report on your achievements is appreciated (2010.07.07)
- We appreciate the report on your achievements such as research papers and/or patents which were obtained though use of our DNA materials. Your report will be added immediately to the accompanying information of the DNA material. This is an excellent way to increase the utility value of the DNA material as well as the visibility of your research.
Please send us the following information to
1) Research Paper: First Author, Title, Name of the Journal, Volume, Pages and Published Year
2) Patent: Holder, Title, Number and Year
Your publication and patent information will be added to the accompanying information of the bioresource in web catalog and to the list of publication. .
When you publish your research results in a scientific journal, please refer to the origin of materials in Materials & Methods or Acknowledge section as follows:
________ (name of BIOLOGICAL RESOURCE) was provided by the RIKEN BRC through the National Bio-Resource Project of the MEXT, Japan.
Your cooperation and understanding are essential for enrichment of information on bioresource, improvement of quality of scientific research and sustainable operation of our Center.
Genome Network Project Human Full-Length cDNA Clone is now available (2010.04.20)
- The RIKEN BioResource Center is distributing copies of full-length human cDNA clones, produced and organized through the MEXT Genome Network Project to academia under its distribution policy.
There are two types of cDNA clone collections.
1) Human Full-Length cDNA clones
Approximately 30,000 clones corresponding to 60% of all human genes (14,000 genes) produced and organized by Dr. Sumio Sugano of the University of Tokyo and Dr. Yoshihide Hayashizaki of RIKEN OSC.
2) Human Gateway® Entry clones
Approximately 50,000 clones corresponding to 6,300 genes produced by cloning PCR-amplified open reading frame fragments from full-length human cDNA clones and studied through the government-supported MEXT Genome Network Project. DNA fragments cloned into Gateway® entry clones can be transferred into one or more destination vectors simultaneously using Gateway® technology. The Gateway® Entry clones include clones made from cDNA created by the Research Association for Biotechnology under the New Energy and Industrial Technology Development Organization Full-length Human cDNA Sequencing Project.
Results of the project attained using the Genome Network Project cDNA clones have appeared in journals including Nature Genetics. Detailed information on these clones is available via the Genome Network Platform (
More about Genome Network Project Human Full-Length cDNA Clone
C57BL/6N (B6N) Mouse BAC clone is now available (2010.03.01)
- The Gene Engineering Division has constructed a BAC library of the B6N substrain and the RIKEN BioResource Center completed BAC end sequencing of B6N and register the sequence data with DDBJ in a collaboration with the National Institute of Genetics under the Genome Information Upgrading Program of MEXT NBRP. The B6N Mouse BAC library consisted of 62,000 clones representing an estimated coverage of 2.6-fold and 77% haploid genome.
A new database, ‘Mouse BAC Brower’ is also available at the site of the National Institute of Genetics ( This database provides information of genomic locations of the B6N Mouse BAC clones on a B6J’s genome sequence as well as the context of other features, such as genes. Using the database, researchers can be find BAC clones in silico with direct querying (ex. gene symbol, name of gene product, gene ID and so on).
More about
B6N BAC clone
If you are interested in our BAC clones, please feel free to contact us.
The germ cell competent C57BL/6N ES cell lines are available from the Cell Engineering Division of RIKEN BRC.
Addition of data of immunofluorescent staining for the full CDS expression clones (2010.02.19)
- The Gene Engineering Division provides full CDS expression clones that were constructed by our division, and the confirmed entire nucleotide sequences of each clone and their expression proteins determined by the western blotting and the immunofluorescent staining.
We opened additional data of immunofluorescent staining for cells introduced expression vectors listed below.
More about pCMV_S-FLAG expression clones
List of genes
RDB06068 human PPARD/PPAR delta
RDB06069 human ROR beta
RDB06070 human TR beta; ErbA-beta
RDB06108 human CREB3
RDB06111 human NFE2
RDB06295 human ER beta
RDB06598 human Oct3/4 isoform1
RDB06600 human Sox2
RDB06601 human Nanog homeobox
RDB06602 human LIN28
RDB06670 human Klf4
RDB06671 human c-Myc
RDB06998 human IL6
RDB06999 human CPSF5/CPSF25
RDB07012 human CREB2; ATF4
RDB07013 human NRF1; NFE2L1
RDB07014 human NRF1; NFE2L1
RDB07015 human NRF3; NFE2L3
RDB07016 human E2F8
RDB07017 human NFKB2
RDB07018 human NFKB1
RDB07019 human SMAD3
RDB07020 human Sap-1
RDB07026 human MYCL1, transcript variant 3
RDB07027 human neural cell adhesion molecule 1, transcript variant 1
RDB07028 human AKT2
RDB07029 human v-myc myelocytomatosis viral oncogene homolog (avian)
RDB07270 human PEA3
RDB07271 human SRY(sex determining region Y)-box 11
BAC Brower of Japanese macaque is released (2010.02.01)
- RIKEN DNA Bank is distributing BAC clones of Japanese macaque (Macaca fuscata fuscata).
A new database, ‘BAC Brower of Japanese macaque’ is constructed by the Information Center of the National BioResource Project, National Institute of Genetics and now available ( This database provides information of genomic locations of the Japanese macaque BAC clones on a rhesus macaque’s genome sequence as well as the context of other features, such as genes.
Using the database, researchers can be find BAC clones in silico with direct querying (ex. gene symbol, name of gene product, gene ID and so on).
If you are interested in our BAC clones, please feel free to contact us.
More about Japanese macaque BAC clone
Genomic DNAs form the culture collection of RIKEN BRC-JCM is available (2010.01.28)
- The RIKEN DNA Bank provides genomic DNAs prepared from microorganisms of the RIKEN BRC-JCM. The strains listed below are newly available.
Bifidobacterium longum subsp. infantis JCM 1222T
Clostridium paraputrificum JCM 1293T
Clostridium pasteurianum JCM 1408T
Corynebacterium glutamicum JCM 1318T
Corynebacterium kroppenstedtii JCM 11950T
Lactobacillus acidophilus JCM 1132T
Lactobacillus gasseri JCM 1131T
Methanocaldococcus fervens JCM 15782T
Methanocaldococcus infernus JCM 15783T
Methanopyrus kandleri JCM 9639T
Mycobacterium kansasii JCM 6379T
Nocardia asteroides JCM 3384T
Propionibacterium acnes JCM 6425T
Streptococcus oralis JCM 12997T
Streptococcus salivarius subsp. thermophilus JCM 20026
More aboutMicroorganisms genomic DNA
New Entry of Promoter Collection (2009.12.08)
- The promoter, one of the most important regions of the gene to regulate the transcription has been collected as a large series in the DNA Bank, RIKEN BioResource Center. These promoters were subcloned into plasmid that has a firefly luciferase reporter gene as a promoter reporter construct (the Promoter Series).
We opened and started distributing of the novel 108 promoter constructs (80 types of TP53 targeted genes and 28 types of ATF family targeted genes). All of the Promoter series were validated by restriction enzyme digestion and confirmation of end sequences of the insert DNA. Furthermore, we checked the promoter activities of the Promoter series on 3 kinds of cell lines (HeLa, HepG2 and Hep3B cells).
The Promoter Series are very useful for individual and/or comprehensive analysis of transcriptional regulation of genes. And each construct is also available for a source of tissue specific expression of genes that you focused.
More about Promoter Collection
Life Technologies Corporation signs license agreement with RIKEN BioResource Center (2009.11.03)[link]
Genomic DNAs form the culture collection of RIKEN BRC-JCM is available (2009.11.03)
- The RIKEN DNA Bank provides genomic DNAs prepared from microorganisms of the RIKEN BRC-JCM. The strains listed below are newly available.
Alcaligenes faecalis JCM 20666
Azotobacter vinelandii JCM 21475T
Bacteroides thetaiotaomicron JCM 5827T
Bacillus cereus JCM 20266
Bifidobacterium adolescentis JCM 1275T
Bifidobacterium catenulatum JCM 1194T
Blautia hansenii JCM 14655T
Blautia producta JCM 1471T
Caldanaerobacter subterraneus subsp. tengcongensis JCM 11007T
Enterococcus faecalis JCM 20313T
Geobacillus stearothermophilus JCM 14450
Neisseria mucosa JCM 12992T
Rhizobium radiobacter JCM 21034
Streptomyces coelicolor JCM 4357T
More about
Microorganisms genomic DNA
The “Whole Cell Project Database” was updated (2009.07.06)
- RIKEN DNA Bank is distributing gene disruption plasmids and expression plasmids of Thermus thermophilus HB8 deposited by Dr. Seiki Kuramitsu, the Whole Cell Project, the SR Systembiology Reserch Group, RIKEN SPring-8 Center.
The Whole Cell Project Database has been maintained by the SR Systembiology Reserch Group, RIKEN SPring-8 Center and provided information with the clones for expression of genes of Thermus thermophilus HB8.
A new version of the database is now available and researchers can be find plasmids for disruption of genes of T. thermophilus HB8. - The gene disruptant of T. thermophils HB8 can be easily prepared by adding this plasmid into the culture medium. The target gene in this plasmid was replaced by the thermostable kanamycine resistant gene. The length of the homologous region outside of the target gene is about 500 bp (only 10 bp of the target gene are left in both sides).
- More about Disruption Plasmid of Thermus thermophilus HB8
Genomic DNAs form the culture collection of RIKEN BRC-JCM is available (2009.07.06)
- The RIKEN DNA Bank is distributing genomic DNAs prepared from microorganisms of the RIKEN BRC-JCM. The strains listed below are newly available.
Pseudomonas aeruginosa JCM 20301
Staphylococcus aureus subsp. aureus JCM 20624T
More about Microorganisms genomic DNA
Genomic DNAs form the culture collection of RIKEN BRC-JCM is available (2009.06.11)
- The RIKEN DNA Bank is distributing genomic DNAs prepared from microorganisms of the RIKEN BRC-JCM. The strains listed below are newly available.
Geobacillus stearothermophilus JCM 14450
Caldanaerobacter subterraneus subsp. tengcongensis JCM 11007T
Alcaligenes faecalis JCM 20666
Azotobacter vinelandii JCM 21475T
Bacillus cereus JCM 20266
Streptomyces coelicolor JCM 4357T
More about Microorganisms genomic DNA
F344 & LE BAC browser is available (2009.04.07)
- Rattus norvegicus database F344/Stm and LE/Stm BAC browser is released by NBRP Rat.
Using this database, you may find your BAC clones.
NBRP Rat BAC Clone

Discount Service for Plasmid, Cosmid and Host strains (2009.04.01)
- For large orders of the Plasmid, Cosmid and Host strains, there is a discount depending on the total number of tubes ordered. For single orders of 20 or more tubes, the total charge will be reduced according to the number of tubes.
More about Discount Service for Plasmid, Cosmid and Host strains
FUCCI mice for visualizing cell-cycle in vivo (2009.03.30)
- RIKEN and Amalgaam Inc. concluded a bio-genetic resource deposit agreement for launching a delivery service for Fucci mice which are transformed by a fluorescent cell cycle probe.
For detail, visit E-MAIL News No.57 by the Experimental Animal Division, RIKEN BioResource Center.
A mouse iPS cell line is now available (2009.03.28)
- Kyoto University, in association with RIKEN, start a program for distribution of mouse iPS cells.
More about The Cell Bank, RIKEN BioResource Center.