pCMV_tag and pRSV_tag assay-ready clones
catalog no. | Name of clone | Running title | Class | Cloning site | Seq file |
RDB02136 | S-HA-pRc/CMV | Expressing HA-tagged fusion protein, CMV promoter | Vector | RDB2136.pdf | RDB2136z.seq |
RDB02139 | D-HA-pRc/CMV | Expressing a fusion protein tagged with duplicated HA, CMV promoter | Vector | RDB2139.pdf | RDB2139z.seq |
RDB02137 | S-T7-pRc/CMV | Expressing T7-tagged fusion protein, CMV promoter | Vector | RDB2137.pdf | RDB2137z.seq |
RDB02138 | D-T7-pRc/CMV | Expressing a fusion protein tagged with duplicated T7, CMV promoter | Vector | RDB2138.pdf | RDB2138z.seq |
RDB02140 | S-Myc-pRc/CMV | Expressing Myc-tagged fusion protein, CMV promoter | Vector | RDB2140.pdf | RDB2140z.seq |
RDB02141 | D-Myc-pRc/CMV | Expressing a fusion protein tagged with duplicated Myc epitopes, CMV promoter | Vector | RDB2141.pdf | RDB2141z.seq |
Expression vectors listed above are constructed by Dr. Yoshihiro Takemoto of Tokyo Medical and Dental University and published in the DNA Cell Biol. 16 (7): 893-896, 1997. You can select one or two copies of epitope tags among the HA, T7 and Myc. The NotI restriction enzyme site is enable you to create expression vectors tagged your gene of interest with these vectors. After the cloning of your gene, the NotI site also allows inserted gene to be moved to another vectors among these 6 vectors.
Please visit the following site for genetic materials deposited by Dr. Takemoto.
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catalog no. | Name of clone | Running title | Class | Cloning site | Seq file |
RDB06083 | pRSV_S-FLAG | Expressing FLAG-tagged fusion protein, RSV promoter | Vector | RDB6083.pdf | RDB6083z.seq |
catalog no. | Name of clone | Running title | Class | Cloning site | Seq file |
RDB05956 | pCMV_S-FLAG | Expressing FLAG-tagged fusion protein, CMV promoter | Vector | RDB5956.pdf | RDB5956z.seq |
RDB06072 | pCMFlag_lacZ | Expression vector of lacZ, with FLAG-tag, control vector | DNA clone | RDB6072.pdf | |
RDB06071 | pCMFlag_EGFP | Expression vector of GFP, with FLAG-tag, control vector | DNA clone | RDB6072.pdf |
pCMV_S-FLAG vector is a mammalian expression vector designed to express proteins with FLAG epitope tag (Met-DYKDDDDK). The NotI restriction enzyme site is enable you to create expression vectors tagged your gene of interest. The first ATG of the FLAG tag is included in the NcoI restriction enzyme site (CCATGG) and the NcoI site is available for cloning in-frame the FLAG tag and your interested gene together into bacterial expression vectors. The EcoRI site abutting upon the FLAG tag allows to excite your interested gene with the FLAG tag. PCR products starting with ATG codon can be cloned in-flame into the blunted NotI restriction site.
catalog no. | Name of clone | Running title | Class | Cloning site | Seq file |
RDB07396 | pCMV_s-FLAGc | Destination vector to generate eukaryotic expression vector, with FLAG-tag | Vector | RDB7396.pdf | RDB7396z.seq |
pCMV_s-FLAGc vector is a derivative of the pCMV_S-FLAG vector. GatewayR technology offers one-step cloning of your interested gene in Entry clones into the pCMV_s-FLAGc expression vector. Please refer the Entry clones from the Genome Network Project Human cDNA.
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(GRP0049e, 2007.12.05. T.M.)