NAKANO AKIHIKO clone collection
Study in membrane trafficking of budding yeast, S. cereviciae.
Publication history
PMID | TITLE | Link |
18343875 | Takeda Y, Nakano A. (2008) In vitro formation of a novel type of membrane vesicles containing Dpm1p: putative transport vesicles for lipid droplets in budding yeast. J Biochem. 143, pp803-811. | CLICK to check clones! |
17973654 | Higashio H1, Sato K, Nakano A. (2008) Smy2p participates in COPII vesicle formation through the interaction with Sec23p/Sec24p subcomplex. Traffic. 9, pp79-93. | CLICK to check clones! |
16735437 | Yahara N, Sato K, Nakano A. (2006) The Arf1p GTPase-activating protein Glo3p executes its regulatory function through a conserved repeat motif at its C-terminus. J Cell Sci. 15, pp2604-2612. | CLICK to check clones! |
16699523 | Matsuura-Tokita K, Takeuchi M, Ichihara A, Mikuriya K, Nakano A. (2006) Live imaging of yeast Golgi cisternal maturation. Nature 441, pp1007-1010 | CLICK to check clones! |
15665868 | Sato K, Nakano A. (2005) Dissection of COPII subunit-cargo assembly and disassembly kinetics during Sar1p-GTP hydrolysis. Nat Struct Mol Biol. 12, pp167-174. | CLICK to check clones! |
14699055 | Sato M, Sato K, Nakano A. (2004) Endoplasmic reticulum quality control of unassembled iron transporter depends on Rer1p-mediated retrieval from the golgi. Mol Biol Cell. 15, pp1417-1424. | CLICK to check clones! |
14627716 | Sato K, Nakano A.(2004) Reconstitution of coat protein complex II (COPII) vesicle formation from cargo-reconstituted proteoliposomes reveals the potential role of GTP hydrolysis by Sar1p in protein sorting. J Biol Chem. 279, pp1330-1335. | CLICK to check clones! |
12972550 | Sato K, Sato M, Nakano A. (2003) Rer1p, a retrieval receptor for ER membrane proteins, recognizes transmembrane domains in multiple modes. Mol Biol Cell. 14, pp3605-3616. | CLICK to check clones! |
12857885 | Sato K, Nakano A. (2003) Oligomerization of a cargo receptor directs protein sorting into COPII-coated transport vesicles. Mol Biol Cell. 14, pp3055-3063. | CLICK to check clones! |
12810702 | Umebayashi K, Nakano A. (2003) Ergosterol is required for targeting of tryptophan permease to the yeast plasma membrane. J Cell Biol. 161, pp1117-1131 | CLICK to check clones! |
12134087 | Sato K, Nakano A. (2002) Emp47p and its close homolog Emp46p have a tyrosine-containing endoplasmic reticulum exit signal and function in glycoprotein secretion in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Mol Biol Cell. 13, pp2518-2532. | CLICK to check clones! |
11442630 | Sato M, Fujisaki S, Sato K, Nishimura Y, Nakano A. (2001) Yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae has two cis-prenyltransferases with different properties and localizations. Implication for their distinct physiological roles in dolichol synthesis. Genes Cells. 6, pp495-506. | CLICK to check clones! |
11238450 | Sato K, Sato M, Nakano A. (2001) Rer1p, a retrieval receptor for endoplasmic reticulum membrane proteins, is dynamically localized to the Golgi apparatus by coatomer. J Cell Biol. 152, pp935-944 | CLICK to check clones! |
11168590 | Saito-Nakano Y, Nakano A. (2000) Sed4p functions as a positive regulator of Sar1p probably through inhibition of the GTPase activation by Sec23p. Genes Cells. 5, pp1039-1048. | CLICK to check clones! |
11160834 | Yahara N, Ueda T, Sato K, Nakano A. (2001) Multiple roles of Arf1 GTPase in the yeast exocytic and endocytic pathways. Mol Biol Cell. 12, pp221-238. | CLICK to check clones! |
11044978 | Hopkins BD, Sato K, Nakano A, Graham TR. (2000) Introduction of Kex2 cleavage sites in fusion proteins for monitoring localization and transport in yeast secretory pathway. Methods Enzymol. 327, pp107-118. | CLICK to check clones! |
10791890 | Matsuda N, Ueda T, Sasaki Y, Nakano A. (2000) Overexpression of PRA2, a Rab/Ypt-family small GTPase from Pea Pisum sativum, aggravates the growth defect of yeast ypt mutants. Cell Struct Funct. 25, pp11-20. | CLICK to check clones! |
10788782 | Homma K, Yoshida Y, Nakano A. (2000) Evidence for recycling of cytochrome P450 sterol 14-demethylase from the cis-Golgi compartment to the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) upon saturation of the ER-retention mechanism. J Biochem. 127, pp747-754. | CLICK to check clones! |
9920934 | Murakami A, Kimura K, Nakano A. (1999) The inactive form of a yeast casein kinase I suppresses the secretory defect of the sec12 mutant. Implication of negative regulation by the Hrr25 kinase in the vesicle budding from the endoplasmic reticulum. J Biol Chem. 274, pp3804-3810. | CLICK to check clones! |
9880808 | Saito Y, Yamanushi T, Oka T, Nakano A. (1999) Identification of SEC12, SED4, truncated SEC16, and EKS1/HRD3 as multicopy suppressors of ts mutants of Sar1 GTPase. J Biochem. 125, pp130-137. | CLICK to check clones! |
9858571 | Sato M, Sato K, Nishikawa S, Hirata A, Kato J, Nakano A. (1999) The yeast RER2 gene, identified by endoplasmic reticulum protein localization mutations, encodes cis-prenyltransferase, a key enzyme in dolichol synthesis. Mol Cell Biol. 19, pp471-483. | CLICK to check clones! |
9756629 | Saito Y, Kimura K, Oka T, Nakano A. (1998) Activities of mutant Sar1 proteins in guanine nucleotide binding, GTP hydrolysis, and cell-free transport from the endoplasmic reticulum to the Golgi apparatus. J Biochem. 124, pp816-823. | CLICK to check clones! |
8889833 | Yamanushi T, Hirata A, Oka T, Nakano A. (1996) Characterization of yeast sar1 temperature-sensitive mutants, which are defective in protein transport from the endoplasmic reticulum. J Biochem. 120, pp452-458. | CLICK to check clones! |
8707815 | Sato M, Sato K, Nakano A. (1996) Endoplasmic reticulum localization of Sec12p is achieved by two mechanisms: Rer1p-dependent retrieval that requires the transmembrane domain and Rer1p-independent retention that involves the cytoplasmic domain. J Cell Biol. 134,pp279-93 | CLICK to check clones! |
8589449 | Sato K, Nishikawa S, Nakano A. (1995) Membrane protein retrieval from the Golgi apparatus to the endoplasmic reticulum (ER): characterization of the RER1 gene product as a component involved in ER localization of Sec12p. Mol Biol Cell. 6, pp1459-1477. | CLICK to check clones! |
8367481 | Nishikawa S, Nakano A. (1993) Identification of a gene required for membrane protein retention in the early secretory pathway. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 90, pp8179-8183. | CLICK to check clones! |
7865879 | Nishikawa S, Hirata A, Nakano A. (1994) Inhibition of endoplasmic reticulum (ER)-to-Golgi transport induces relocalization of binding protein (BiP) within the ER to form the BiP bodies. Mol Biol Cell. 5, pp1129-1143. | CLICK to check clones! |
7822237 | Nakano A, Otsuka H, Yamagishi M, Yamamoto E, Kimura K, Nishikawa S, Oka T. (1994) Mutational analysis of the Sar1 protein, a small GTPase which is essential for vesicular transport from the endoplasmic reticulum. J Biochem. 116, pp243-247. | CLICK to check clones! |
3047151 | Nakano A, Brada D, Schekman R. (1988) A membrane glycoprotein, Sec12p, required for protein transport from the endoplasmic reticulum to the Golgi apparatus in yeast. J Cell Biol. 107, pp851-863. | CLICK to check clones! |
2512296 | Nakano A, Muramatsu M. (1989) A novel GTP-binding protein, Sar1p, is involved in transport from the endoplasmic reticulum to the Golgi apparatus. J Cell Biol. 109, pp2677-2691. | CLICK to check clones! |
1907491 | Nishikawa S, Nakano A. (1991) The GTP-binding Sar1 protein is localized to the early compartment of the yeast secretory pathway. Biochim. Biophys. Acta. 1093, pp135-143 | CLICK to check clones! |
Clone Table
In vitro formation of a novel type of membrane vesicles containing Dpm1p: putative transport vesicles for lipid droplets in budding yeast. (2008) J Biochem. 143, pp803-811. | ||||||
Catalog No. | plasmid | backborne | Sc marker | Ec marker | insert | remarks |
RDB08715 | pYTY102 | CEN | URA3 | Ap | PTDH3-DPM1-GFP-TCMK1 |
Smy2p participates in COPII vesicle formation through the interaction with Sec23p/Sec24p subcomplex. (2008) Traffic 9, pp79-93. | ||||||
Catalog No. | plasmid | backborne | Sc marker | Ec marker | insert | remarks |
RDB08718 | pYPL1 | 2μ | URA3 | Ap | YPL105c | SYH1: paralog of SMY2 |
RDB08719 | pSMY1 | 2μ | URA3 | Ap | SMY2 | |
RDB08720 | pSMY3 | CEN | URA3 | Ap | SMY2 | |
RDB08721 | pSMY2 | 2μ | URA3 | Ap | SMY2-3HA | |
RDB08722 | pSMY4 | CEN | URA3 | Ap | SMY2-3HA | |
RDB08723 | pSMY5 | CEN | URA3 | Ap | smy2(mutant A)-3HA | Smy2(W279A Y284A) |
RDB08724 | pSMY6 | CEN | URA3 | Ap | smy2(mutant B)-3HA | Smy2Δ(269-285) |
RDB08725 | pSMY7 | CEN | URA3 | Ap | smy2(mutant C)-3HA | Smy2Δ(420-490) |
RDB08726 | pSMY8 | CEN | URA3 | Ap | smy2(mutant D)-3HA | Smy2Δ(337-790) |
RDB08727 | pSMY9 | CEN | URA3 | Ap | smy2(mutant E)-3HA | Smy2Δ(337-676) |
RDB08728 | pSMY10 | CEN | URA3 | Ap | smy2(mutant F)-3HA | Smy2Δ(337-500) |
RDB08729 | pSMY11 | CEN | URA3 | Ap | smy2(mutant G)-3HA | Smy2Δ(501-676) |
RDB08730 | pSMY12 | CEN | URA3 | Ap | smy2(mutant H)-3HA | Smy2Δ(52-336) |
RDB08731 | pSMY13 | CEN | URA3 | Ap | smy2(mutant I)-3HA | Smy2Δ(52-500) |
RDB08732 | pJG-SEC23 | 2μ | HIS3 | Ap | PGAL1-B42-HA-SEC23 | Y2H system (AD) |
RDB08733 | pJG-SEC24 | 2μ | HIS3 | Ap | PGAL1-B42-HA-SEC24 | Y2H system (AD) |
RDB08734 | pEG-SEC24 | 2μ | TRP1 | Ap | PADH1-LexA-SEC24 | Y2H system (BD) |
RDB08735 | pEG-SMY2 | 2μ | TRP1 | Ap | PADH1-LexA-SMY2 | Y2H system (BD) |
The Arf1p GTPase-activating protein Glo3p executes its regulatory function through a conserved repeat motif at its C-terminus. (2006) J Cell Sci. 15, pp2604-2612. | ||||||
Catalog No. | plasmid | backborne | Sc marker | Ec marker | insert | remarks |
RDB08549 | pNY24-GLO3 | 2μ | TRP1 | Ap | GLO3 | |
RDB08550 | pNY24-3HA-GLO3 | 2μ | TRP1 | Ap | 3HA-GLO3 | |
RDB08551 | pNY24-GCS1 | 2μ | TRP1 | Ap | GCS1 | |
RDB08552 | pNY24-GCS1-3HA | 2μ | TRP1 | Ap | GCS1-3HA | |
RDB08553 | pNY24-GLO3-A-GCS1 | 2μ | TRP1 | Ap | PGLO3-glo3-gcs1 | Glo3(N-64)-Gcs1(57-C) |
RDB08554 | pNY24-GLO3-N-GCS1 | 2μ | TRP1 | Ap | PGLO3-glo3-gcs1 | Glo3(N-122)-Gcs1(117-C) |
RDB08555 | pNY24-GCS1-A-GLO3 | 2μ | TRP1 | Ap | PGCS1-gcs1-glo3 | Gcs1(N-60)-Glo3 (62-C) |
RDB08556 | pNY24-GCS1-N-GLO3 | 2μ | TRP1 | Ap | PGCS1-gcs1-glo3 | Gcs1(N-111)-Glo3(119-C) |
RDB08557 | pNY24-AGE1 | 2μ | TRP1 | Ap | AGE1 | |
RDB08558 | pNY24-AGE2 | 2μ | TRP1 | Ap | AGE2 |
Live imaging of yeast Golgi cisternal maturation. (2006) Nature 441, pp1007-1010. | ||||||
Catalog No. | plasmid | backborne | Sc marker | Ec marker | insert | remarks |
RDB08658 | pRS316-GFP-SED5-SB | CEN | URA3 | Ap | PTDH3-EGFP-SED5-TCMK1 | |
RDB08660 | pRS316-GFP-GOS1 | CEN | URA3 | Ap | PTDH3-EGFP-GOS1-TCMK1 | |
RDB08662 | pRS316-SEC7-GFP | CEN | URA3 | Ap | PADH1-SEC7-EGFP-TCMK1 |
Dissection of COPII subunit-cargo assembly and disassembly kinetics during Sar1p-GTP hydrolysis. (2005) Nat Struct Mol Biol. 12, pp167-174. | ||||||
Catalog No. | plasmid | backborne | Sc marker | Ec marker | insert | remarks |
RDB08689 | pKSY193 | 2μ | URA3 | Ap | His6-YFP-SEC24 | |
RDB08690 | pKSY197 | CEN | URA3 | Ap | 2xHA-CFP-BET1 | |
RDB08691 | pKSY198 | CEN | URA3 | Ap | PTDH3-2xHA-CFP-Strep-SEC22-TCMK1 | |
RDB08692 | pET21a-SED5 | bacterial | Ap | Sed5p (1-316)-His6 | expression vector (T7 promoter, DE3 required) | |
RDB08708 | pKSE165 | bacterial | Ap | Strep2-CFP-Bet1 | expression vector (tet promoter) | |
RDB08709 | pKSE168 | bacterial | Ap | Strep-CFP-Strep-Sec22 | expression vector (tet promoter) | |
RDB08710 | pKSE174 | bacterial | Ap | Strep2-CFP-bet1(L54A E55A) | expression vector (tet promoter) | |
RDB08711 | pKSE176 | bacterial | Ap | GST-Sec12(1-373) | expression vector (tac promoer), Sec12Δluminal-domain | |
RDB08712 | pKSE188 | bacterial | Cm | His6-Bos1(1-222) | expression vector (lac promoter) | |
RDB08713 | pKSE203 | bacterial | Ap | MBP-CFP-Ufe1 | expression vector (tac promoter) |
Endoplasmic reticulum quality control of unassembled iron transporter depends on Rer1p-mediated retrieval from the golgi. (2004) Mol Biol Cell. 15, pp1417-1424. | ||||||
Catalog No. | plasmid | backborne | Sc marker | Ec marker | insert | remarks |
RDB08805 | pFET3-42 | Int. | Ap | FET3-3xHA::URA3 | ||
RDB08806 | pFET3-43 | Int. | Ap | FET3-GFP::URA3 | ||
RDB08807 | pFET3-52 | Int. | Ap | FET3-3xHA::URA3::fet3(Δ5′ region) | Cut BamHI, then trafo | |
RDB08808 | pFET3-53 | Int. | Ap | FET3-GFP::URA3::fet3(Δ5′ region) | Cut BamHI, then trafo | |
RDB08809 | pFET3-802NA | Int. | Ap | FET3(NheI-TMD-AflII)-3HA::URA3 | As RDB8805 except NheI & AflII at 560th & 584th codons, respectively | |
RDB08810 | Int. | Ap | fet3[(TMD)560-584(24xL)]-3HA::URA3 | Cut NspV, then trafo | ||
RDB08811 | pFET3-803NA | Int. | Ap | FET3(NheI-TMD-AflII)-GFP::URA3 | As RDB8806 except NheI & AflII at 560th & 584th codons, respectively. | |
RDB08812 | pFET3-803L24 | Int. | Ap | fet3[(TMD)560-584(24xL)]-GFP::URA3 | Cut NspV, then trafo | |
RDB08813 | pFET3-42B-T565L | Int. | Ap | fet3(T565L)-3xHA ::URA3 | Cut NspV, then trafo | |
RDB08814 | pFET3-42B-S567L | Int. | Ap | fet3(S567L)-3xHA ::URA3 | Cut NspV, then trafo | |
RDB08815 | pFET3-42B-T577L | Int. | Ap | fet3(T577L)-3xHA ::URA3 | Cut NspV, then trafo | |
RDB08816 | pFET3-42B-Y581L | Int. | Ap | fet3(Y581L)-3xHA ::URA3 | Cut NspV, then trafo | |
RDB08817 | pFET3-43B-T565L | Int. | Ap | fet3(T565L)-3xHA ::URA3 | Cut NspV, then trafo | |
RDB08818 | pFET3-43B-S567L | Int. | Ap | fet3(S567L)-3xHA ::URA3 | Cut NspV, then trafo | |
RDB08819 | pFET3-43B-T577L | Int. | Ap | fet3(T577L)-GFP::URA3 | Cut NspV, then trafo | |
RDB08820 | pFET3-43B-Y581L | Int. | Ap | fet3(Y581L)-GFP::URA3 | Cut NspV, then trafo | |
RDB08821 | pTU1-FET3-3HA | CEN | URA3 | Ap | PTDH3-FET3-3xHA | |
RDB08822 | pTU1-FET3(L24)-3HA | CEN | URA3 | Ap | PTDH3-fet3[(TMD)560-584(24xL)]-3xHA::URA3 | |
RDB08823 | pTU1-FET3(S567L)-3HA | CEN | URA3 | Ap | PTDH3-fet3(S567L)-3xHA |
Reconstitution of coat protein complex II (COPII) vesicle formation from cargo-reconstituted proteoliposomes reveals the potential role of GTP hydrolysis by Sar1p in protein sorting. (2004) J Biol Chem. 279, pp1330-1335. | ||||||
Catalog No. | plasmid | backborne | Sc marker | Ec marker | insert | remarks |
RDB08704 | pKSE131 | bacterial | Ap | Strep2-2xmyc-Emp47 | expression vector (tet promoter) | |
RDB08705 | pKSE132 | bacterial | Ap | Strep2-3xHA-Emp46 | expression vector (tet promoter) | |
RDB08706 | pKSE133 | bacterial | Ap | Strep2-myc-Emp47Δ(282-333) | expression vector (tet promoter) | |
RDB08707 | pKSE136 | bacterial | Ap | MBP-Ufe1 | expression vector (tac promoter) |
Rer1p, a retrieval receptor for ER membrane proteins, recognizes transmembrane domains in multiple modes. (2003) Mol Biol Cell. 14, pp3605-3616. | ||||||
Catalog No. | plasmid | backborne | Sc marker | Ec marker | insert | remarks |
RDB08580 | p[SEC12-MFα1] (S12M) | 2μ | TRP1 | Ap | SEC12-MFα1 | |
RDB08581 | pRS316_MS71H | CEN | URA3 | Ap | PSEC71-MFα1-SEC71-HA | |
RDB08582 | pYO326_MS71H | 2μ | URA3 | Ap | PSEC71-MFα1-SEC71-HA | |
RDB08583 | pRS316_MS63F | CEN | URA3 | Ap | PSEC63-MFα1-SEC63-myc | |
RDB08584 | pYO326_MS63F | 2μ | URA3 | Ap | PSEC63-MFα1-SEC63-myc | |
RDB08585 | pSKY5wRER1-0 | CEN | TRP1 | Ap | PTDH3-EGFP-RER1-TCMK1 | |
RDB08586 | pSKY5wRER1Y68L | CEN | TRP1 | Ap | PTDH3-EGFP-rer1(Y68L)-TCMK1 | Rer1(Y68L) |
RDB08587 | pSKY5wRER1N76L | CEN | TRP1 | Ap | PTDH3-EGFP-rer1(N76L)-TCMK1 | Rer1(N76L) |
RDB08588 | pSKY5wRER1Q77L | CEN | TRP1 | Ap | PTDH3-EGFP-rer1(Q77L)-TCMK1 | Rer1(Q77L) |
RDB08589 | pSKY5wRER1T83L | CEN | TRP1 | Ap | PTDH3-EGFP-rer1(T83L)-TCMK1 | Rer1(T83L) |
RDB08590 | pSKY5wRER1T128L | CEN | TRP1 | Ap | PTDH3-EGFP-rer1(T128L)-TCMK1 | Rer1(T128L) |
RDB08591 | pSKY5wRER1S131L | CEN | TRP1 | Ap | PTDH3-EGFP-rer1(S131L)-TCMK1 | Rer1(S131L) |
RDB08592 | pSKY5wRER1S135L | CEN | TRP1 | Ap | PTDH3-EGFP-rer1(S135L)-TCMK1 | Rer1(S135L) |
RDB08593 | pSKY5wRER1S138L | CEN | TRP1 | Ap | PTDH3-EGFP-rer1(S138L)-TCMK1 | Rer1(S138L) |
RDB08594 | pSKY5wRER1Y152L | CEN | TRP1 | Ap | PTDH3-EGFP-rer1(Y152L)-TCMK1 | Rer1(Y152L) |
RDB08595 | pSKY5wRER1T160L | CEN | TRP1 | Ap | PTDH3-EGFP-rer1(T160L)-TCMK1 | Rer1(T160L) |
RDB08598 | pQR316-SEC71-GFP | CEN | URA3 | Ap | SEC71-GFP | |
RDB08599 | pQR326-SEC71-GFP | 2μ | URA3 | Ap | SEC71-GFP | |
RDB08600 | pRS306-SEC71TMD-GFP/LS | Int. | Ap | sec71T(LS)-GFP::URA3 | Sec71 (trans-membrane domain, L40S) | |
RDB08601 | pRS306-SEC71TMD-GFP/SL | Int. | Ap | sec71T(SL)-GFP::URA3 | Sec71 (trans-membrane domain, S43L) | |
RDB08602 | pRS306-SEC71TMD-GFP/YL | Int. | Ap | sec71T(YL)-GFP::URA3 | Sec71 (trans-membrane domain, Y36L) | |
RDB08603 | pRS306-SEC71TMD-GFP/1L | Int. | Ap | sec71T(1L)-GFP::URA3 | Sec71 (trans-membrane domain, 1xL insert at 41) | |
RDB08604 | pRS306-SEC71TMD-GFP/2L | Int. | Ap | sec71T(2L)-GFP::URA3 | Sec71 (trans-membrane domain, 2xL insert at 41) | |
RDB08605 | pRS306-SEC71TMD-GFP/3L | Int. | Ap | sec71T(3L)-GFP::URA3 | Sec71 (trans-membrane domain, 3xL insert at 41) | |
RDB08606 | pRS306-SEC71TMD-GFP/4L | Int. | Ap | sec71T(4L)-GFP::URA3 | Sec71 (trans-membrane domain, 4xL insert at 41) | |
RDB08607 | pRS306-SEC71TMD-GFP/2LΔLV | Int. | Ap | sec71T(2LΔLV)-GFP::URA3 | Sec71 (trans-membrane domain, L44Δ V45Δ 2xL insert at 41) | |
RDB08608 | pQR316-SEC71TMD-GFP/LS | CEN | URA3 | Ap | sec71T(LS)-GFP | Sec71 (trans-membrane domain, L40S) |
RDB08609 | pQR316-SEC71TMD-GFP/SL | CEN | URA3 | Ap | sec71T(SL)-GFP | Sec71 (trans-membrane domain, S43L) |
RDB08610 | pQR316-SEC71TMD-GFP/1L | CEN | URA3 | Ap | sec71T(1L)-GFP | Sec71 (trans-membrane domain, 1xL insert at 41) |
RDB08611 | pQR316-SEC71TMD-GFP/2L | CEN | URA3 | Ap | sec71T(2L)-GFP | Sec71 (trans-membrane domain, 2xL insert at 41) |
RDB08612 | pQR316-SEC71TMD-GFP/3L | CEN | URA3 | Ap | sec71T(3L)-GFP | Sec71 (trans-membrane domain, 3xL insert at 41) |
RDB08613 | pQR316-SEC71TMD-GFP/4L | CEN | URA3 | Ap | sec71T(4L)-GFP | Sec71 (trans-membrane domain, 4xL insert at 41) |
RDB08614 | pQR316-SEC71TMD-GFP/2LΔLV | CEN | URA3 | Ap | sec71T(2LΔLV)-GFP | Sec71 (trans-membrane domain, L44Δ V45Δ 2xL insert at 41) |
RDB08628 | pRS316-MWWWK | CEN | URA3 | Ap | PSEC63-MFα1-3xHA-wbp1 | Wbp1 (C terminal 154 aa) |
RDB08629 | pRS316-MWWWS | CEN | URA3 | Ap | PSEC63-MFα1-3xHA-wbp1(SSTN) | Wbp1 [C terminal 154aa, KKTN(C terminus)SSTN] |
RDB08630 | pRS316-M71WWS | CEN | URA3 | Ap | PSEC63-MFα1-3xHA-sec71L-wbp1T-wbp1C(SSTN) | Sec71(luminal)-Wbp1(TM)-Wbp1[cytosolic, KKTN(C terminus)SSTN] |
RDB08631 | pRS316-MW71WS | CEN | URA3 | Ap | PSEC63-MFα1-3xHA-wbp1L-sec71T-wbp1C(SSTN) | Wbp1(luminal)-Sec71(TM)-Wbp1[cytosolic, KKTN(C terminus)SSTN] |
RDB08632 | pRS316-MWW71 | CEN | URA3 | Ap | PSEC63-MFα1-3xHA-wbp1L-wbp1T-sec71C | Wbp1(luminal)-Wbp1(TM)-Sec71(cytosolic) |
RDB08633 | pRS316-M71W71 | CEN | URA3 | Ap | PSEC63-MFα1-3xHA-sec71L-wbp1T-sec71C | Sec71(luminal)-Wbp1(TM)-Sec71(cytosolic) |
RDB08634 | pRS316-MW71WS/LS | CEN | URA3 | Ap | PSEC63-MFα1-3xHA-wbp1L-sec71T(LS)-wbp1C(SSTN) | Sec71 (trans-membrane domain, L40S) |
RDB08635 | pRS316-MW71WS/YL | CEN | URA3 | Ap | PSEC63-MFα1-3xHA-wbp1L-sec71T(YL)-wbp1C(SSTN) | Sec71 (trans-membrane domain, Y36L) |
RDB08636 | pRS316-MW71WS/SL | CEN | URA3 | Ap | PSEC63-MFα1-3xHA-wbp1L-sec71T(SL)-wbp1C(SSTN) | Sec71 (trans-membrane domain, S43L) |
RDB08637 | pRS316-MW71WS/ΔL | CEN | URA3 | Ap | PSEC63-MFα1-3xHA-wbp1L-sec71T(ΔL)-wbp1C(SSTN) | Sec71 (trans-membrane domain, L40Δ) |
RDB08638 | pRS316-MW71WS/1L | CEN | URA3 | Ap | PSEC63-MFα1-3xHA-wbp1L-sec71T(1L)-wbp1C(SSTN) | Sec71 (trans-membrane domain, 1xL insert at 41) |
RDB08639 | pRS316-MW71WS/2L | CEN | URA3 | Ap | PSEC63-MFα1-3xHA-wbp1L-sec71T(2L)-wbp1C(SSTN) | Sec71 (trans-membrane domain, 2xL insert at 41) |
RDB08640 | pRS316-MW71WS/3L | CEN | URA3 | Ap | PSEC63-MFα1-3xHA-wbp1L-sec71T(3L)-wbp1C(SSTN) | Sec71 (trans-membrane domain, 3xL insert at 41) |
RDB08641 | pRS316-MW71WS/4L | CEN | URA3 | Ap | PSEC63-MFα1-3xHA-wbp1L-sec71T(4L)-wbp1C(SSTN) | Sec71 (trans-membrane domain, 4xL insert at 41) |
RDB08642 | pRS316-MW71WS/2LΔLV | CEN | URA3 | Ap | PSEC63-MFα1-3xHA-wbp1L-sec71T(2LΔLV)-wbp1C(SSTN) | Sec71 (trans-membrane domain, L44Δ V45Δ 2xL insert at 41) |
RDB08643 | pRS316-MW71WS/YS | CEN | URA3 | Ap | PSEC63-MFα1-3xHA-wbp1L-sec71T(YS)-wbp1C(SSTN) | Sec71 (trans-membrane domain, Y36S) |
RDB08644 | pRS316-MW71WS/YQ | CEN | URA3 | Ap | PSEC63-MFα1-3xHA-wbp1L-sec71T(YQ)-wbp1C(SSTN) | Sec71 (trans-membrane domain, Y36Q) |
RDB08645 | pRS316-MW71WS/YA | CEN | URA3 | Ap | PSEC63-MFα1-3xHA-wbp1L-sec71T(YA)-wbp1C(SSTN) | Sec71 (trans-membrane domain, Y36A) |
RDB08646 | pRS316-MW71WS/SY | CEN | URA3 | Ap | PSEC63-MFα1-3xHA-wbp1L-sec71T(SY)-wbp1C(SSTN) | Sec71 (trans-membrane domain, S43Y) |
RDB08647 | pRS316-MW71WS/SQ | CEN | URA3 | Ap | PSEC63-MFα1-3xHA-wbp1L-sec71T(SQ)-wbp1C(SSTN) | Sec71 (trans-membrane domain, S43Q) |
RDB08648 | pRS316-MW71WS/SA | CEN | URA3 | Ap | PSEC63-MFα1-3xHA-wbp1L-sec71T(SA)-wbp1C(SSTN) | Sec71 (trans-membrane domain, S43A) |
RDB08651 | pRS316-GFP-SEC12 | CEN | URA3 | Ap | GFP-SEC12 | |
RDB08652 | pRS306-SEC71TMD-GFP | Int. | Ap | URA3::sec71T-GFP::URA3 | Sec71(trans-membrane domain) | |
RDB08653 | pQR316-SEC71TMD-GFP | CEN | URA3 | Ap | sec71T-GFP | Sec71(trans-membrane domain) |
RDB08657 | pSKY54-SEC12 | CEN | URA3 | Ap | GFP-SEC12 |
Oligomerization of a cargo receptor directs protein sorting into COPII-coated transport vesicles. (2003) Mol Biol Cell. 14, pp3055-3063. | ||||||
Catalog No. | plasmid | backborne | Sc marker | Ec marker | insert | remarks |
RDB08683 | pKSY155 | CEN | TRP1 | Ap | GFP-myc-emp47(Δ383) | Emp47Δ(383-C terminus) |
RDB08684 | pKSY160 | CEN | TRP1 | Ap | GFP-myc-emp47(Δ333) | Emp47Δ(333-C terminus) |
RDB08685 | pKSY166 | CEN | TRP1 | Ap | GFP-myc-emp47(Δ281) | Emp47Δ(281-C terminus) |
RDB08686 | pKSY169 | 2μ | TRP1 | Ap | myc-EMP47 | |
RDB08687 | pKSY177 | CEN | TRP1 | Ap | myc-emp47(Δ281-333) | Emp47Δ(281-333) |
RDB08688 | pKSY187 | CEN | URA3 | Ap | HA-emp46(Δ279-321) | Emp46Δ(279-321) |
Ergosterol is required for targeting of tryptophan permease to the yeast plasma membrane. (2003) J Cell Biol. 161, pp1117-1131. | ||||||
Catalog No. | plasmid | backborne | Sc marker | Ec marker | insert | remarks |
RDB08559 | pKU1 | bacterial | Ap | TAT2 | cloning vector | |
RDB08560 | pKU41 | Int. | Ap | tat2Δ::ADE2 | Cut EcoRI & SphI, then trafo | |
RDB08561 | pKU46 | CEN | URA3 | Ap | TAT2-3xHA | |
RDB08562 | pKU51 | Int. | Ap | TAT2-3xHA::URA3 | Cut PmaCI, then trafo | |
RDB08563 | pKU60 | Int. | Ap | pep4Δ::HIS3 | Cut EcoRI & SalI, then trafo | |
RDB08564 | pKU62 | Int. | Ap | vps1Δ::HIS3 | Cut SphI, then trafo | |
RDB08565 | pKU65 | Int. | Ap | vps27Δ::HIS3 | Cut EcoRI & SalI, then trafo | |
RDB08566 | pKU68 | 2μ | URA3 | Ap | TAT2 | |
RDB08567 | pKU76 | CEN | URA3 | Ap | TAT2-GFP | |
RDB08568 | pKU82 | Int. | Ap | tat2Δ::hisG-URA3-hisG | Cut EcoRI & SphI, then trafo | |
RDB08569 | pKU84 | CEN | URA3 | Ap | GFP-PEP12 | |
RDB08570 | pKU105 | CEN | URA3 | Ap | PCUP1-ub-TCYC1 | ub: synthetic yeast ubiquitin |
RDB08571 | pKU106 | CEN | URA3 | Ap | PCUP1-myc-ub-TCYC1 | ub: synthetic yeast ubiquitin |
RDB08572 | pKU108 | Int. | Ap | doa4Δ::HIS3 | Cut SacI & SphI, then trafo | |
RDB08573 | pKU121 | Int. | Ap | bul1Δ::HIS3 | Cut EcoRI & SalI, then trafo | |
RDB08574 | pKU131 | Int. | Ap | erg13Δ::HIS3 | Cut EcoRI & SphI, then trafo | |
RDB08575 | pKU158 | CEN | URA3 | Ap | tat23KR | Tat2(K10R K17R K20R) |
Emp47p and its close homolog Emp46p have a tyrosine-containing endoplasmic reticulum exit signal and function in glycoprotein secretion in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. (2002) Mol Biol Cell. 13, pp2518-2532. | ||||||
Catalog No. | plasmid | backborne | Sc marker | Ec marker | insert | remarks |
RDB08665 | pKSY103 | CEN | URA3 | Ap | EMP46 | |
RDB08666 | pKSY104 | 2μ | URA3 | Ap | EMP46 | |
RDB08667 | pKSY105 | CEN | TRP1 | Ap | 2xmyc-EMP47 | |
RDB08668 | pKSY113 | CEN | URA3 | Ap | 3xHA-EMP46 | |
RDB08669 | pKSY114 | 2μ | URA3 | Ap | 3xHA-EMP46 | |
RDB08670 | pKSY115 | CEN | URA3 | Ap | 3xHA-emp46(ΔKVKLL) | Emp46(ΔC-terminal KVKLL) |
RDB08671 | pKSY116 | CEN | URA3 | Ap | 3xHA-emp46(RVRLL) | Emp46[KVKLL(C-terminus)RVRLL] |
RDB08672 | pKSY117 | CEN | URA3 | Ap | 3xHA-emp46(AYMF) | Emp46[VKLL(C-terminus)AYMF] |
RDB08673 | pKSY118 | CEN | URA3 | Ap | 3xHA-emp46(YYMA) | Emp46[VKLL(C-terminus)YYMA] |
RDB08674 | pKSY121 | CEN | URA3 | Ap | 3xHA-emp46(AYMA) | Emp46[VKLL(C-terminus)AYMA] |
RDB08675 | pKSY122 | CEN | URA3 | Ap | 3xHA-emp46(KVKAA) | Emp46[KVKLL(C-terminus)KVKAA] |
RDB08676 | pKSY123 | CEN | URA3 | Ap | 3xHA-emp46(SVSLL) | Emp46[KVKLL(C-terminus)SVSLL] |
RDB08677 | pKSY126 | CEN | URA3 | Ap | GFP-3xHA-EMP46 | |
RDB08678 | pKSY131 | CEN | URA3 | Ap | GFP-3xHA-emp46(SVSLL) | Emp46[KVKLL(C-terminus)SVSLL] |
RDB08679 | pKSY132 | CEN | URA3 | Ap | GFP-3xHA-emp46(AYFM) | Emp46[VKLL(C-terminus)AYFM] |
RDB08680 | pKSY133 | CEN | URA3 | Ap | GFP-3xHA-emp46(YYMA) | Emp46[VKLL(C-terminus)YYMA] |
RDB08681 | pKSY134 | CEN | URA3 | Ap | GFP-3xHA-emp46(AYMA) | Emp46[VKLL(C-terminus)AYMA] |
RDB08682 | pKSY135 | CEN | URA3 | Ap | GFP-3xHA-emp46(KVKAA) | Emp46[KVKLL(C-terminus)KVKAA] |
RDB08693 | pKSE106 | bacterial | Ap | Emp46p (1-412) | expression vector (T7 promoter, DE3 required) | |
RDB08694 | pKSE107 | Int. | Ap | emp46Δ::HIS3 | ||
RDB08695 | pKSE108 | Int. | Ap | emp47Δ::LEU2 | ||
RDB08696 | pKSE112 | bacterial | Ap | GST-Emp46Ct | expression vector (T7 promoter, DE3 required), Emp46(C-terminal 17AA) | |
RDB08697 | pKSE113 | bacterial | Ap | GST-Emp46Ct(AYMF) | expression vector (T7 promoter, DE3 required), Emp46[C-terminal 17AA, VKLL(C-terminus)AYMF] | |
RDB08698 | pKSE114 | bacterial | Ap | GST-Emp46Ct(YYMA) | expression vector (T7 promoter, DE3 required), Emp46[C-terminal 17AA, VKLL(C-terminus)YYMA] | |
RDB08699 | pKSE115 | bacterial | Ap | GST-Emp46Ct(AYMA) | expression vector (T7 promoter, DE3 required), Emp46[C-terminal 17AA, VKLL(C-terminus)AYMA] | |
RDB08700 | pKSE116 | bacterial | Ap | GST-Emp46Ct(ΔKVKLL) | expression vector (T7 promoter, DE3 required), Emp46(C-terminal 17AA, ΔC-terminal KVKLL) | |
RDB08701 | pKSE117 | bacterial | Ap | GST-Emp46Ct(KVKAA) | expression vector (T7 promoter, DE3 required), Emp46[C-terminal 17AA, KVKLL(C-terminus)KVKAA] | |
RDB08702 | pKSE121 | bacterial | Ap | GST-Emp7Ct | expression vector (T7 promoter, DE3 required), Emp46(C-terminal 17AA) | |
RDB08703 | pKSE122 | bacterial | Ap | GST-Emp47Ct(STSLL) | expression vector (T7 promoter, DE3 required), Emp46[C-terminal 17AA, KTKLL(C-terminus)STSLL] |
Yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae has two cis-prenyltransferases with different properties and localizations. Implication for their distinct physiological roles in dolichol synthesis. (2001) Genes Cells. 6, pp495-506. | ||||||
Catalog No. | plasmid | backborne | Sc marker | Ec marker | insert | remarks |
RDB08824 | pR9-0 | bacterial | Ap | RER2 | cloning vector | |
RDB08825 | pΔrer2::HIS3 | Int. | Ap | rer2Δ::HIS3 | Cut ScaI & EcoRV, then trafo | |
RDB08826 | pΔsrt1::ADE2 | Int. | Ap | srt1Δ::ADE2 | Cut XhoI & EcoRI, then trafo | |
RDB08827 | pΔsrt1::LEU2 | Int. | Ap | srt1Δ::LEU2 | Cut XhoI & PvuII, then trafo | |
RDB08828 | pSRT-2 | CEN | URA3 | Ap | SRT1 | |
RDB08829 | pSRT-3 | 2μ | URA3 | Ap | SRT1 | |
RDB08830 | pSRTHA-2 | CEN | URA3 | Ap | SRT1-3xHA | |
RDB08831 | pSRTHA-3 | 2μ | URA3 | Ap | SRT1-3xHA | |
RDB08832 | pSKY5-RER2 | CEN | URA3 | Ap | PTDH3-EGFP-RER2-TCMK1 | |
RDB08833 | pSKY5-SRT1 | CEN | URA3 | Ap | PTDH3-EGFP-SRT1-TCMK1 | |
RDB08834 | pEG6-4 | CEN | TRP1 | Ap | ERG6-3xmyc |
Rer1p, a retrieval receptor for endoplasmic reticulum membrane proteins, is dynamically localized to the Golgi apparatus by coatomer. (2001) J Cell Biol. 152, pp935-944. | ||||||
Catalog No. | plasmid | backborne | Sc marker | Ec marker | insert | remarks |
RDB08615 | pSKY5-RER1-0 | CEN | URA3 | Ap | PTDH3-EGFP-RER1-TCMK1 | |
RDB08616 | pSKY5-RER1-5 | CEN | URA3 | Ap | PTDH3-EGFP-rer1(-5)-TCMK1 | Rer1(ΔC-terminal 5aa) |
RDB08617 | pSKY5-RER1-10 | CEN | URA3 | Ap | PTDH3-EGFP-rer1(-10)-TCMK1 | Rer1(ΔC-terminal 10aa) |
RDB08618 | pSKY5-RER1-15 | CEN | URA3 | Ap | PTDH3-EGFP-rer1(-15)-TCMK1 | Rer1(ΔC-terminal 15aa) |
RDB08619 | pSKY5-RER1-20 | CEN | URA3 | Ap | PTDH3-EGFP-rer1(-20)-TCMK1 | Rer1(ΔC-terminal 20aa) |
RDB08620 | pSKY5-RER1-25 | CEN | URA3 | Ap | PTDH3-EGFP-rer1(-25)-TCMK1 | Rer1(ΔC-terminal 25aa) |
RDB08621 | pSKY5-RER1 G179A | CEN | URA3 | Ap | PTDH3-EGFP-rer1(G179A)-TCMK1 | Rer1(G179A) |
RDB08622 | pSKY5-RER1-K180S | CEN | URA3 | Ap | PTDH3-EGFP-rer1(K180S)-TCMK1 | Rer1(K180S) |
RDB08623 | pSKY5-RER1-K181S | CEN | URA3 | Ap | PTDH3-EGFP-rer1(K181S)-TCMK1 | Rer1(K181S) |
RDB08624 | pSKY5-RER1-K182S | CEN | URA3 | Ap | PTDH3-EGFP-rer1(K182S)-TCMK1 | Rer1(K182S) |
RDB08625 | pSKY5-RER1-Y183A | CEN | URA3 | Ap | PTDH3-EGFP-rer1(Y183A)-TCMK1 | Rer1(Y183A) |
RDB08626 | pSKY5-RER1-Y173A | CEN | URA3 | Ap | PTDH3-EGFP-rer1(Y173A)-TCMK1 | Rer1(Y173A) |
RDB08627 | pSKY5-RER1-KKSS | CEN | URA3 | Ap | PTDH3-EGFP-rer1(K180S K181S)-TCMK1 | Rer1(K180S K181S) |
RDB08655 | pSKY5 | CEN | URA3 | Ap | PTDH3-EGFP-TCMK1 | |
RDB08791 | p316-HA-STE2 | CEN | URA3 | Ap | A-STE2-TCMK1 | |
RDB08792 | p316-HA-ste2-rer1 | CEN | URA3 | Ap | HA-ste2-rer1-TCMK1 | Ste2(N-297)-Rer1(161-C) |
RDB08793 | pGST-Wbp1 | bacterial | Ap | GST-Wbp1Ct (K421-N430) | expression vector (tac prompoter) | |
RDB08794 | pGST-Wbp1-SS | bacterial | Ap | GST-Wbp1Ct [K421-N430 (K427S K428S)] | expression vector (tac prompoter) | |
RDB08795 | pGST-Rer1C28 | bacterial | Ap | GST-Rer1Ct (M161-N188) | expression vector (tac prompoter) | |
RDB08796 | pGST-Rer1C28-KKSS | bacterial | Ap | GST-Rer1Ct [M161-N188 (K180S K181S)] | expression vector (tac prompoter) | |
RDB08797 | pGST-Rer1C28-Y173A | bacterial | Ap | GST-Rer1Ct [M161-N188 (Y173A)] | expression vector (tac prompoter) | |
RDB08798 | pGST-Rer1C28-Y183A | bacterial | Ap | GST-Rer1Ct [M161-N188 (Y183A)] | expression vector (tac prompoter) | |
RDB08799 | Pgap-Dap2 | 2μ | URA3 | Ap | PTDH3-DAP2 | |
RDB08800 | Pgap-DSD | 2μ | URA3 | Ap | PTDH3-dap2C-sec12T-dap2L | Dap2(cytosolic)-Sec12(TM)-Dap2(luminal) |
RDB08801 | Pgap-DSD-NQ/L | 2μ | URA3 | Ap | PTDH3-dap2C-sec12T(N358L Q370L)-dap2L | Dap2(cytosolic)-Sec12(TM, N358L Q370L)-Dap2(luminal) |
RDB08802 | Pgap-DSD-SY/L | 2μ | URA3 | Ap | PTDH3-dap2C-sec12T(S366L Y367L)-dap2L | Dap2(cytosolic)-Sec12(TM, N366L Q367L)-Dap2(luminal) |
RDB08803 | Pgap-DSD-+2L | 2μ | URA3 | Ap | PTDH3-dap2C-sec12T(2xL ins 365)-dap2L | Dap2(cytosolic)-Sec12(TM, 2xL insert at 365)-Dap2(luminal) |
RDB08804 | Pgap-DSD-L19 | 2μ | URA3 | Ap | PTDH3-dap2C-(19xLeu)-dap2L | Dap2(cytosolic)-(19xLeu)-Dap2(luminal) |
Sed4p functions as a positive regulator of Sar1p probably through inhibition of the GTPase activation by Sec23p. (2000) Genes Cells. 5, pp1039-1048. | ||||||
Catalog No. | plasmid | backborne | Sc marker | Ec marker | insert | remarks |
RDB08664 | pYS28-E52 | CEN | TRP1 | Ap | SED4-3HA | |
RDB08766 | pYS6-7 | 2μ | TRP1 | Ap | sar1(D32G) | |
RDB08767 | pYS6 | 2μ | TRP1 | Ap | sar(E112K) | |
RDB08768 | pYS25 | 2μ | URA3 | Ap | SED4 | |
RDB08769 | pRS316-SEC16 | CEN | URA3 | Ap | SEC16 | |
RDB08770 | pSKY2-2 | CEN | URA3 | Ap | PGAL1-Sec12 (1-354)-TCMK1 |
Multiple roles of Arf1 GTPase in the yeast exocytic and endocytic pathways. (2001) Mol Biol Cell. 12, pp221-238. | ||||||
Catalog No. | plasmid | backborne | Sc marker | Ec marker | insert | remarks |
RDB08576 | YIpARF1 | Int. | Ap | ADE2::ARF1::ADE2 | Cut HpaI, then trafo | |
RDB08577 | p(arf1Δ::HIS3) | Int. | Ap | arf1Δ::HIS3 | Cut EcoRI & SphI, then trafo | |
RDB08578 | p(arf2Δ::HIS3) | Int. | Ap | arf2Δ::HIS3 | Cut PvuII, then trafo | |
RDB08579 | pNY14-A1S | CEN | TRP1 | Ap | ARF1 | |
RDB08736 | pNY16-A1 | CEN | URA3 | Ap | EcoRI-ARF1 | |
RDB08737 | pNY605 | CEN | TRP1 | Ap | arf1-11 | Arf1(K38I E132D L173S) |
RDB08738 | pNY607NB | CEN | TRP1 | Ap | arf1-12 Arf1(K38I) | |
RDB08739 | pNY801 | CEN | TRP1 | Ap | arf1-13 Arf1(L173S) | |
RDB08740 | pNY1004 | CEN | TRP1 | Ap | arf1-14 Arf1(F51I) | |
RDB08741 | pNY606NB | CEN | TRP1 | Ap | arf1-15 Arf1(L25P) | |
RDB08743 | pNY902NB | CEN | TRP1 | Ap | arf1-17 | Arf1(E41V) |
RDB08744 | pNY1005CB | CEN | TRP1 | Ap | arf1-18 | Arf1(H80P) |
RDB08745 | p(605-ADE2) | Int. | Ap | ADE2::arf1-11::ADE2 | Arf1(K38I E132D L173S) | |
RDB08746 | p(607NB-ADE2) | Int. | Ap | ADE2::arf1-12::ADE2 | Arf1(K38I) | |
RDB08747 | p(801-ADE) | Int. | Ap | ADE2::arf1-13::ADE2 | Arf1(L173S) | |
RDB08748 | p(606NB-ADE2) | Int. | Ap | ADE2::arf1-14::ADE2 | Arf1(F51I) | |
RDB08749 | p(902-ADE2) | Int. | Ap | ADE2::arf1-15::ADE2 | Arf1(L25P) | |
RDB08750 | p(902NB-ADE2) | Int. | Ap | ADE2::arf1-17::ADE2 | Arf1(E41V) | |
RDB08751 | p(1005CB-ADE2) | Int. | Ap | ADE2::arf1-18::ADE2 | Arf1(H80P) | |
RDB08931 | pNY902 | CEN | TRP1 | Ap | arf1-16 Arf1(E41V D129E) |
Introduction of Kex2 cleavage sites in fusion proteins for monitoring localization and transport in yeast secretory pathway. (2000) Methods Enzymol. 327, pp107-118. | ||||||
Catalog No. | plasmid | backborne | Sc marker | Ec marker | insert | remarks |
RDB08864 | pBAR1ΔH | Int. | Ap | bar1Δ::HIS3 | Cut SalI & XbaI, then trafo | |
RDB08865 | palpha1ΔA1 | Int. | Ap | mfα1Δ::ADE2 | Cut EcoRI, then trafo | |
RDB08866 | palpha2ΔT | Int. | Ap | mfα2Δ::TRP1 | Cut SalI & BglII, then trafo |
<tdpra2(δc-terminal 3aa),=”” pisum=”” sativum=””>
Overexpression of PRA2, a Rab/Ypt-family small GTPase from Pea Pisum sativum, aggravates the growth defect of yeast ypt mutants. (2000) Cell Struct Funct. 25, pp11-20. | ||||||
Catalog No. | plasmid | backborne | Sc marker | Ec marker | insert | remarks |
RDB08752 | pYO773 | CEN | URA3 | Ap | PGAL1-(mcs)-TCMK1 | mcs: EcoRI BglII HindIII HpaI |
RDB08753 | pNMV3 | CEN | HIS3 | Ap | PGAL1-(mcs)-TCMK1 | mcs: HpaI? EcoRI BglII |
RDB87540 | pNMV4 | CEN | TRP1 | Ap | PGAL1-(mcs)-TCMK1 | mcs: HpaI EcoRI BglII in mcs |
RDB08755 | pGPR3 | CEN | URA3 | Ap | PGAL1-PRA2-TCMK1 | Pra2, origin: Pisum sativum |
RDB08756 | pGPR3C | CEN | URA3 | Ap | PGAL1-PRA2?C-TCMK1 | |
RDB08757 | pGPR334 | CEN | URA3 | Ap | PGAL1-PRA2(T34N)-TCMK1 | Pra2(T34N), origin: Pisum sativum |
RDB08758 | pGPR352 | CEN | URA3 | Ap | PGAL1-PRA2(T52A)-TCMK1 | Pra2(T52A), origin: Pisum sativum |
RDB08759 | pGPR379 | CEN | URA3 | Ap | PGAL1-PRA2(Q79L)-TCMK1 | Pra2(Q79L), origin: Pisum sativum |
RDB08760 | pGPR3133 | CEN | URA3 | Ap | PGAL1-PRA2(N133I)-TCMK1 | Pra2(N133I), origin: Pisum sativum |
RDB08761 | pGGR3D | CEN | URA3 | Ap | PGAL1-GDI1-TCMK1 PGAL1-PRA2-TCMK1 | Pra2, origin: Pisum sativum |
RDB08762 | pGPR4 | CEN | HIS3 | Ap | PGAL1-PRA2-TCMK1 | Pra2, origin: Pisum sativum |
RDB08763 | pGPR5 | CEN | TRP1 | Ap | PGAL1-PRA2-TCMK1 | Pra2, origin: Pisum sativum |
RDB08764 | pNMY191 | CEN | URA3 | Ap | PGAL1-GDI1-TCMK1 | |
RDB08765 | pDSS41 | CEN | URA3 | Ap | PGAL1-DSS4-TCMK1 |
Evidence for recycling of cytochrome P450 sterol 14-demethylase from the cis-Golgi compartment to the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) upon saturation of the ER-retention mechanism. (2000) J Biochem. 127, pp747-754. | ||||||
Catalog No. | plasmid | backborne | Sc marker | Ec marker | insert | remarks |
RDB08788 | pYO326-chimeraN | 2μ | URA3 | Ap | Ngs-ERG11-3xHA | Ngs:? potentiated N-linked glycosylation site [Erg11(L283MKNSTYKDGVKMTDQEIANLLIGVL312)] |
RDB08789 | pRS316-chimeraN | CEN | URA3 | Ap | Ngs-ERG11-3xHA | Ngs:? potentiated N-linked glycosylation site [Erg11(L283MKNSTYKDGVKMTDQEIANLLIGVL312)] |
RDB08790 | pYO326-ERG11/CYP51 | 2μ | URA3 | Ap | ERG11 |
The inactive form of a yeast casein kinase I suppresses the secretory defect of the sec12 mutant. Implication of negative regulation by the Hrr25 kinase in the vesicle budding from the endoplasmic reticulum. (1999) J Biol Chem. 274, pp3804-3810. | ||||||
Catalog No. | plasmid | backborne | Sc marker | Ec marker | insert | remarks |
RDB08778 | pAM5-2 | 2μ | TRP1 | Ap | 3xHA-HRR25 | |
RDB08779 | pAM6-2 | 2μ | TRP1 | Ap | 3xHA-hrr25-2 | as rst2-1, Hrr25(T176I) |
RDB08780 | pAM4-1 | 2μ | URA3 | Ap | PGAL1-3xHA-HRR25-TCYC1 | |
RDB08781 | pAM8-2 | 2μ | URA3 | Ap | PGAL1-3xHA-hrr25(K38A)-TCYC1 | |
RDB08782 | pAM2-326 | 2μ | URA3 | Ap | HRR25 | |
RDB08783 | pAM1-5 | 2μ | TRP1 | Ap | hrr25-2 | as rst2-1, Hrr25(T176I) |
RDB08784 | pAM1-2 | CEN | TRP1 | Ap | hrr25-2 | as rst2-1, Hrr25(T176I) |
RDB08785 | pAM8-1 (K38A) | 2μ | TRP1 | Ap | hrr25(K38A) | |
RDB08786 | pAM13-2 | CEN | URA3 | Ap | sec12-4 | Sec12(P73L) |
RDB08787 | pAM13-3 | 2μ | URA3 | Ap | sec12-4 | Sec12(P73L) |
Identification of SEC12, SED4, truncated SEC16, and EKS1/HRD3 as multicopy suppressors of ts mutants of Sar1 GTPase. (1999) J Biochem. 125, pp130-137. | ||||||
Catalog No. | plasmid | backborne | Sc marker | Ec marker | insert | remarks |
RDB08771 | pYO12 | 2μ | LEU2 | Ap | SEC12 | |
RDB08772 | pYOSAR | 2μ | LEU2 | Ap | SAR1 | |
RDB08773 | pANY4-2 | 2μ | LEU2 | Ap | SED4 | |
RDB08774 | pYS3 | 2μ | URA3 | Ap | HRD3 | |
RDB08775 | pYO112KS-1 | 2μ | LEU2 | Ap | HRD3 | |
RDB08776 | pYS1-6 | bacterial | Ap | HRD3 | cloning vector | |
RDB08777 | pYS2-2B | Int. | Ap | hrd3Δ::TRP1 | Cut KpnI & SacI, then trafo |
The yeast RER2 gene, identified by endoplasmic reticulum protein localization mutations, encodes cis-prenyltransferase, a key enzyme in dolichol synthesis. (1999) Mol Cell Biol. 19, pp471-483. | ||||||
Catalog No. | plasmid | backborne | Sc marker | Ec marker | insert | remarks |
RDB08835 | pY1 | 2μ | URA3 | Ap | RER2 | |
RDB08836 | p(rer2::LEU2) | Int. | Ap | rer2Δ::LEU2 | Cut HindIII, then trafo | |
RDB08837 | p(srt1::TRP1) | Int. | Ap | srt1Δ::TRP1 | Cut XhoI & PvuII, then trafo | |
RDB08838 | pR7 | CEN | URA3 | Ap | RER2 | |
RDB08839 | pR7HA | CEN | URA3 | Ap | 3xHA-RER2 | |
RDB08840 | pR7HA-4 | 2μ | URA3 | Ap | 3xHA-RER2 | |
RDB08841 | pR7HA-2 | CEN | TRP1 | Ap | 3xHA-RER2 |
Activities of mutant Sar1 proteins in guanine nucleotide binding, GTP hydrolysis, and cell-free transport from the endoplasmic reticulum to the Golgi apparatus. (1998) J Biochem. 124, pp816-823. | ||||||
Catalog No. | plasmid | backborne | Sc marker | Ec marker | insert | remarks |
RDB08876 | pMYE3-1 | bacterial | Ap | Sar1 | expression vector (T7 promoter, DE3 required), cDNA derivative | |
RDB08877 | pMYE3-2 | bacterial | Ap | Sar1(K36M) | expression vector (T7 promoter, DE3 required), cDNA derivative | |
RDB08878 | pMYE3-3 | bacterial | Ap | Sar1(D73V) | expression vector (T7 promoter, DE3 required), cDNA derivative | |
RDB08879 | pMYE3-4 | bacterial | Ap | Sar1(H77L) | expression vector (T7 promoter, DE3 required), cDNA derivative | |
RDB08880 | pMYE3-5 | bacterial | Ap | Sar1(N132I) | expression vector (T7 promoter, DE3 required), cDNA derivative | |
RDB08881 | pMYE3-6 | bacterial | Ap | Sar1(C171S) | expression vector (T7 promoter, DE3 required), cDNA derivative | |
RDB08882 | pMYE3-7 | bacterial | Ap | Sar1(D32G) | expression vector (T7 promoter, DE3 required), cDNA derivative | |
RDB08883 | pMYE3-8 | bacterial | Ap | Sar1(T54A) | expression vector (T7 promoter, DE3 required), cDNA derivative | |
RDB08884 | pMYE3-9 | bacterial | Ap | Sar1(E112K) | expression vector (T7 promoter, DE3 required), cDNA derivative |
Characterization of yeast sar1 temperature-sensitive mutants, which are defective in protein transport from the endoplasmic reticulum. (1996) J Biochem. 120, pp452-458. | ||||||
Catalog No. | plasmid | backborne | Sc marker | Ec marker | insert | remarks |
RDB08914 | pTY3 | CEN | LEU2 | Ap | NcoI-SAR1 | genomic derivative (intron at 10th codon) |
RDB08915 | pTY5 | CEN | LEU2 | Ap | PGAL1-SAR1 | genomic derivative (intron at 10th codon) |
RDB08917 | pMYT3-7 | CEN | LEU2 | Ap | NcoI-sar1(D32G) cDNA derivative |
Endoplasmic reticulum localization of Sec12p is achieved by two mechanisms: Rer1p-dependent retrieval that requires the transmembrane domain and Rer1p-independent retention that involves the cytoplasmic domain. (1996) J Cell Biol. 134, pp279-93. | ||||||
Catalog No. | plasmid | backborne | Sc marker | Ec marker | insert | remarks |
RDB08842 | pMS2-3 (pSSS-1) | bacterial | Ap | SEC12(D470E)-MFα1 | just for construction of RDB08844-RDB08846 | |
RDB08843 | pDDD-2 (pSD1-2, pMD2-6) | 2μ | URA3 | Ap | DAP2-MFα1 | |
RDB08844 | pDSS-2 (pSD4-2) | 2μ | URA3 | Ap | dap2L-sec12T-sec12C-MFα1 | Dap2(luminal)-Sec12(TM)-Sec12(cytosolic) |
RDB08845 | pDDS-2 (pSD3-2) | 2μ | URA3 | Ap | dap2L-dap2T-sec12C-MFα1 | Dap2(luminal)-Dap2(TM)-Sec12(cytosolic) |
RDB08846 | pSDS-2 (pSD2-2) | 2μ | URA3 | Ap | sec12L-dap2T-sec12C-MFα1 | Sec12(luminal)-Dap2(TM)-Sec12(cytosolic) |
RDB08847 | pSSD-2 (pSD7-2) | 2μ | URA3 | Ap | sec12L-sec12T-dap2C-MFα1 | Sec12(luminal)-Sec12(TM)-Dap2(cytosolic) |
RDB08848 | pDSD-2 (pSD5-2) | 2μ | URA3 | Ap | dap2L-sec12T-dap2C-MFα1 | Dap2(luminal)-Sec12(TM)-Dap2(cytosolic) |
RDB08849 | pSDD-2 (pSD6-2) | 2μ | URA3 | Ap | sec12L-dap2T-dap2C-MFα1 | Sec12(luminal)-Dap2(TM)-Sec12(cytosolic) |
RDB08850 | pDSDm F-A | 2μ | URA3 | Ap | dap2L-sec12T(F355A F356A F359A)-dap2C-MFα1 | Dap2(luminal)-Sec12(TM, F355A F356A F359A)-Dap2(cytosolic) |
RDB08851 | pDSDm SY-A | 2μ | URA3 | Ap | dap2L-sec12T(S366A Y367A S372A)-dap2C-MFα1 | Dap2(luminal)-Sec12(TM, S366A Y367A S372A)-Dap2(cytosolic) |
RDB08852 | pDSDm N-A | 2μ | URA3 | Ap | dap2L-sec12T(N358A)-dap2C-MFα1 | Dap2(luminal)-Sec12(TM, N358A)-Dap2(cytosolic) |
RDB08853 | pDSDm Q-A | 2μ | URA3 | Ap | dap2L-sec12T(Q370A)-dap2C-MFα1 | Dap2(luminal)-Sec12(TM, Q370A)-Dap2(cytosolic) |
RDB08854 | pDSDm NQ-A | 2μ | URA3 | Ap | dap2L-sec12T(N358A Q370A)-dap2C-MFα1 | Dap2(luminal)-Sec12(TM, N358A Q370A)-Dap2(cytosolic) |
RDB08855 | pDSDm A10 | 2μ | URA3 | Ap | dap2L-sec12T(F355A F356A T357A N358A F369A S366A Y367A Q370A F371A S372A)-dap2C-MFα1 | Dap2(luminal)-Sec12(TM, F356A F357A T358A N359A F360A S366A Y367A Q370A F371A S372A)-Dap2(cytosolic) |
RDB08856 | pDSDm N-L | 2μ | URA3 | Ap | dap2L-sec12T(N358L)-dap2C-MFα1 | Dap2(luminal)-Sec12(TM, N358L)-Dap2(cytosolic) |
RDB08857 | pDSDm Q-L | 2μ | URA3 | Ap | dap2L-sec12T(Q370L)-dap2C-MFα1 | Dap2(luminal)-Sec12(TM, Q370L)-Dap2(cytosolic) |
RDB08858 | pDSDm NQ-L | 2μ | URA3 | Ap | dap2L-sec12T(N358L Q370L)-dap2C-MFα1 | Dap2(luminal)-Sec12(TM, N358L Q370L)-Dap2(cytosolic) |
RDB08859 | pDSDm-L7 | 2μ | URA3 | Ap | dap2L-sec12T(T357L N358L S366L Y367L Q370L S372L)-dap2C-MFα1 | Dap2(luminal)-Sec12(TM, T357L N358L S366L Y367L Q370L S372L)-Dap2(cytosolic) |
RDB08860 | p(LeuX19) | 2μ | URA3 | Ap | dap2L-(19xLeu)-dap2C-MFα1 | Dap2(luminal)-(19xLeu)-Dap2(cytosolic) |
RDB08861 | pD4Dm-2 | 2μ | URA3 | Ap | dap2L-sed4T-dap2C-MFα1 | Dap2(luminal)-Sed4(TM)-Dap2(cytosolic) |
RDB08862 | pD20Dm-2 | 2μ | URA3 | Ap | dap2L-sec20T-dap2C-MFα1 | Dap2(luminal)-Sec20(TM)-Dap2(cytosolic) |
RDB08863 | p4DDm-2 | 2μ | URA3 | Ap | sed4L-dap2T-dap2C-MFα1 | Sed4(luminal)-Dap2(TM)-Dap2(cytosolic) |
Membrane protein retrieval from the Golgi apparatus to the endoplasmic reticulum (ER): characterization of the RER1 gene product as a component involved in ER localization of Sec12p. (1995) Mol Biol Cell. 6, pp1459-1477. | ||||||
Catalog No. | plasmid | backborne | Sc marker | Ec marker | insert | remarks |
RDB08596 | pYO324/RER1-3HA | 2μ | TRP1 | Ap | RER1-3HA | |
RDB08597 | pYO324/RER1-3HA Y152L | 2μ | TRP1 | Ap | rer1(Y152L)-3HA | Rer1(Y152L) |
RDB08649 | pSK/rer1::LEU2 | Int. | Ap | rer1Δ::LEU2 | ||
RDB08654 | pRS314/RERI-3HA | CEN | TRP1 | Ap | RER1-3HA |
Identification of a gene required for membrane protein retention in the early secretory pathway. (1993) Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 90, pp8179-8183. | ||||||
Catalog No. | plasmid | backborne | Sc marker | Ec marker | insert | remarks |
RDB08870 | pSHF2-1 | bacterial | Ap | SEC12 | cloning vector | |
RDB08871 | pSHY6-3 | 2μ | URA3 | Ap | SEC12 | |
RDB08872 | pSHF9-4 | 2μ | URA3 | Ap | SEC12-MFα1Δ(1-10) | MFα1(signal peptide truncated) |
RDB08873 | pSHF9-4ΔSal | 2μ | URA3 | Ap | sec12(1-275)-MFα1Δ(1-10) | MFα1(signal peptide truncated) |
RDB08874 | pSHF11-1 | 2μ | URA3 | Ap | SEC12(D470E)-SUC2Δ(1-21) | Suc2(signal peptide truncated) |
Inhibition of endoplasmic reticulum (ER)-to-Golgi transport induces relocalization of binding protein (BiP) within the ER to form the BiP bodies. (1994) Mol Biol Cell. 5, pp1129-1143. | ||||||
Catalog No. | plasmid | backborne | Sc marker | Ec marker | insert | remarks |
RDB08867 | pSHY13-2 | 2μ | URA3 | Ap | PGAL1-SEC12 | |
RDB08868 | pSHY14-5 | 2μ | URA3 | Ap | PGAL1-SED4 | |
RDB08869 | pSHY15-1 | 2μ | TRP1 | Ap | PGAL1-SEC23-TCMK1 |
Mutational analysis of the Sar1 protein, a small GTPase which is essential for vesicular transport from the endoplasmic reticulum. (1994) J Biochem. 116, pp243-247. | ||||||
Catalog No. | plasmid | backborne | Sc marker | Ec marker | insert | remarks |
RDB08885 | pMYY3-1 | CEN | TRP1 | Ap | SAR1 | cDNA derivative |
RDB08886 | pMYY3-2 | CEN | TRP1 | Ap | sar1(K36M) | cDNA derivative |
RDB08887 | pMYY3-3 | CEN | TRP1 | Ap | sar1(D73V) | cDNA derivative |
RDB08888 | pMYY3-4 | CEN | TRP1 | Ap | sar1(H77L) | cDNA derivative |
RDB08889 | pMYY3-5 | CEN | TRP1 | Ap | sar1(N132I) | cDNA derivative |
RDB08890 | pMYY3-6 | CEN | TRP1 | Ap | sar1(C171S) | cDNA derivative |
RDB08891 | pMYY3-7 | CEN | TRP1 | Ap | sar1(D32G) | cDNA derivative |
RDB08892 | pMYY3-8 | CEN | TRP1 | Ap | sar1(T54A) | cDNA derivative |
RDB08893 | pMYY3-9 | CEN | TRP1 | Ap | sar1(E112K) | cDNA derivative |
RDB08894 | pMYY4-1 | CEN | TRP1 | Ap | PGAL1-SAR1 | cDNA derivative |
RDB08895 | pMYY4-2 | CEN | TRP1 | Ap | PGAL1-sar1(K36M) | cDNA derivative |
RDB08896 | pMYY4-3 | CEN | TRP1 | Ap | PGAL1-sar1(D73V) | cDNA derivative |
RDB08897 | pMYY4-4 | CEN | TRP1 | Ap | PGAL1-sar1(H77L) | cDNA derivative |
RDB08898 | pMYY4-5 | CEN | TRP1 | Ap | PGAL1-sar1(N132I) | cDNA derivative |
RDB08899 | pMYY4-6 | CEN | TRP1 | Ap | PGAL1-sar1(C171S) | cDNA derivative |
RDB08900 | pMYY4-7 | CEN | TRP1 | Ap | PGAL1-sar1(D32G) | cDNA derivative |
RDB08901 | pMYY4-8 | CEN | TRP1 | Ap | PGAL1-sar1(T54A) | cDNA derivative |
RDB08902 | pMYY4-9 | CEN | TRP1 | Ap | PGAL1-sar1(E112K) | cDNA derivative |
A membrane glycoprotein, Sec12p, required for protein transport from the endoplasmic reticulum to the Golgi apparatus in yeast. (1988) J Cell Biol. 107, pp851-863. | ||||||
Catalog No. | plasmid | backborne | Sc marker | Ec marker | insert | remarks |
RDB08903 | pANY1-4 | CEN | URA3 | Ap | SEC12 | |
RDB08904 | pANY1-8 | Int. | Ap | sec12Δ(274-C)::URA3::sec12Δ(N-47) | Cut KpnI, then trafo | |
RDB08905 | pANY1-9 | 2μ | URA3 | Ap | SEC12 | |
RDB08916 | pANF1 | bacterial | Ap | lacZ-Sec12(48-Cterm) | expression vector (lac promoter), antigen for Sec12p antibody |
A novel GTP-binding protein, Sar1p, is involved in transport from the endoplasmic reticulum to the Golgi apparatus. (1989) J Cell Biol. 109, pp2677-2691. | ||||||
Catalog No. | plasmid | backborne | Sc marker | Ec marker | insert | remarks |
RDB08916 | pANF1 | bacterial | Ap | lacZ-Sec12(48-Cterm) | expression vector (lac promoter), antigen for Sec12p antibody | |
RDB08906 | pANY2-7 | 2μ | URA3 | Ap | SAR1 | gemomic (intron at 10th codon) |
RDB08907 | pANY2-9 | CEN | URA3 | Ap | SAR1 | gemomic (intron at 10th codon) |
RDB08908 | pANY2-17 | CEN | TRP1 | Ap | SAR1 | gemomic (intron at 10th codon) |
RDB08909 | pANY2-18 | CEN | TRP1 | Ap | PGAL1-SAR1 | gemomic (intron at 10th codon) |
RDB08910 | pANY2-19 | 2μ | TRP1 | Ap | PGAL1-SAR1 | gemomic (intron at 10th codon) |
RDB08911 | pANY3-11 | CEN | TRP1 | Ap | PGAL1-SAR1 | cDNA |
RDB08912 | pANY3-14 | bacterial | Ap | SAR1 | cloning vector, cDNA |
The GTP-binding Sar1 protein is localized to the early compartment of the yeast secretory pathway. (1991) Biochim. Biophys. Acta. 1093, pp135-143 | ||||||
Catalog No. | plasmid | backborne | Sc marker | Ec marker | insert | remarks |
RDB08875 | pSHY1-1 | 2μ | TRP1 | Ap | SAR1 | gemomic (intron at 10th codon) |
RDB08913 | pANF31 | bacterial | Ap | lacZ-Sar1(42-190) | expression vector (lac promoter), antigen for Sar1p antibody |