DNA Bank Mail News 2020 Sep 04


RIKEN BioResource Research Center DNA Bank Mail News No. 117
[hp] https://dna.brc.riken.jp/en/mailen/mailnewsen
This E-mail news is sent to those who use the RIKEN BRC Gene Engineering Division (DNA Bank) and those who have subscribed to the E-mail news.

Announcement: Return Our Services to the Regular Level

Dear Users,

Since August 27, all restrictions on commute and work of our employees at RIKEN BioResource Research Center (BRC) have been lifted. The bioresource deposition/distribution services at RIKEN BRC have returned to normal. We are grateful for your understanding and cooperation up to now, while the suspension and restrictions of our services surely caused a great deal of inconvenience to our users. Almost all our operation has been are now being carried out normally and smoothly. However, please understand that certain deposition/distribution services may be delayed, depending on resources and/or destination. We would like to ask you for your understanding and patience in the cases that these inconveniences occur.

Please visit following pages for best use of the bioresources:

– Bioresource for Your Research > How to find and obtain bioresources
[hp] https://web.brc.riken.jp/en/bioresource/order

– Request for Your Corporation >
Please Deposit or Donate Your Valuable Bioresources to RIKEN BRC >
Links to the guide pages for deposition/donation and mail addresses
[hp] https://web.brc.riken.jp/en/requests/deposit#link2division

Lastly, we wish you for your health and success in scientific
researches, and we are waiting for your active use of our bioresources

RIKEN BioResource Research Center

We hope you enjoyed receiving this message. However, if you would prefer to unsubscribe from receiving future email news from us, please send an email to dna_sec.brc@riken.jp.
RIKEN BioResource Research Center DNA Bank
3-1-1 Koyadai, Tsukuba Ibaraki, 305-0074 Japan
[e-mail] dna_sec.brc@riken.jp
[hp] https://dna.brc.riken.jp/en/

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