DNA Bank Mail News 2020 Jul 07


RIKEN BioResource Research Center DNA Bank Mail News No. 115
[HP] https://dna.brc.riken.jp/en/mailen/mailnewsen
This E-mail news is sent to those who use the RIKEN BRC Gene Engineering Division (DNA Bank) and those who have subscribed to the E-mail news.

Renewal of the RIKEN BRC Website
Dear Users,

We are pleased to announce that the renewed Website of RIKEN BioResource Research Center (RIKEN BRC) was released to the public on June 30.

In this renewal, we completely redesigned the layout throughout the website and improved contents and its search function. The major purpose of this renewal is to allow our users to access easily to bioresources and their related information.

Please access to https://brc.riken.jp (No change of the URL) and take advantage of the following new features of the website:

  • At the search bar, entitled “Search for bioresources”, on the top page, you can quickly search multiple resources (mouse strains, cell lines, plant resources, microorganisms and genetic materials) distributed by RIKEN BRC simultaneously, by entering keywords.
  • As-you-type auto-complete function is installed to help you at the search bar. When you type in first few characters of a keyword, the system automatically suggests the list of names of candidate bioresources and genes. In this way, the system assists you so that reliable search results can be obtained.
  • You can now directly access to a webpage of a Resource Division by clicking one of the five photo panels of bioresources on the Top Page for detailed information of bioresources that you wish to search.
  • The menu and contents of “Information for Users”, “For General Public” and “About RIKEN BRC” were completely revised. Our aim was to improve contents of how to find, obtain and use bioresources. We also revised the page layouts so that our users can access easily to the information that they want.
  • The website can be accessed from smartphones or tablets by the dynamic layout change.
  • You can access our new database for genome variation in mouse, “MoG+” (URL: https://molossinus.brc.riken.jp/). MoG+ contains mouse genomic variation data among inbred mouse strains established in Japan and major classical inbred strains. MoG+ provides valuable reference data for wide range of studies in biomedical researches.

We will continue to update and improve our web pages to provide latest and useful information related to bioresources with better usability and accessibility.

We sincerely hope that this renewal of our website is satisfactory for you and meets your research needs. For further improvement of BRC Website, we would appreciate it very much if you could kindly write your opinions and suggestions in the questionnaire page.

We are grateful for your continued support and cooperation.

RIKEN BioResource Research Center

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RIKEN BioResource Research Center DNA Bank
3-1-1 Koyadai, Tsukuba Ibaraki, 305-0074 Japan
[HP] https://dna.brc.riken.jp/en/

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