Ordering Resources


Ordering Resources – Help center

  • How do I write the Research Purpose for Clause 2(a) of the “Material Transfer Agreement”? [open/close]
    • Please write your research purpose in detail. We need description specifically how and for what purpose you are going to use the DNA Bank resource(s). If the information is considered insufficient, we may ask you to add more or rewrite it.
    • We can check whether the documents are filled out correctly or not in advance. Please email documents to us.
  • Where do I find the terms and conditions for Clause 4 of the “Material Transfer Agreement”? [open/close]
    • Refer to the table displayed in the “Distribution information” section of the Online Catalogue (Resource data sheet) for each resource. Please fill in the whole sentences of “Terms and conditions set forth by the DEPOSITOR” and “Additional terms and conditions for distribution” displayed.
  • What kind of job title is required for the Authorized Representative Recipient? [open/close]
    • “Authorized Representative” is a person who is responsible for intellectual property rights. We request that the candidate is in one of the following positions, he/she can sign the MTA as the Authorized Representative. For anything unclear, please contact us by email.
      • College/University/Graduate School: President, Dean, Director or Head of Department
      • Research Institution: Director
      • Corporation: President, CEO, Director
      • Any officer appointed as Intellectual Property Administrator by the organization
    • The MTA is a formal contract to be executed between institutions. Therefore, we ask your Authorized Representative to be an authority listed above.
  • I am a university student. Can I purchase genetic materials from DNA Bank? [open/close]
    • “Recipient Scientist” should be head of laboratory (Principal Investigator). Students cannot be a Recipient Scientist.
    • Name of Staff line of the Order Form should be an employee of your institute. Student is inappropriate.

  • I want to know if you have the gene material I want. [open/close]
    • We can help with your resource search. Please let me know the following by email.
      • Delivery address: Domestic/International (country)
      • Gene name:
      • Organisms of origin:
      • Nucleotide accession number: (if available)
      • References (PubMed PMID): (if any)
      • Material Name: Plasmid/Recombinant Virus/Genomic DNA/Other ()
      • Use: Cloning/Gene Expression/Detection/Others ()
      • Experimental system: individual/cultured cells/cultured bacteria/in vitro experiment/others ()
      • Experiment details: (How to use)

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(2021.09.27 T.M.)


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