Genes involved in the T cell receptor signaling pathway


Catalog no. Name of clone Running title
RDB14515 pGL4_ifng-2500-luc Reporter construct of mouse interferon gamma (Ifng) promoter (-2500 to +113).
RDB14516 pGL4_ifng-2000-luc Reporter construct of mouse interferon gamma (Ifng) promoter (-2000 to +113).
RDB14517 pGL4_ifng-1500-luc Reporter construct of mouse interferon gamma (Ifng) promoter (-1500 to +113).
RDB14518 pGL4_ifng-1000-luc Reporter construct of mouse interferon gamma (Ifng) promoter (-1000 to +113).
RDB14519 pGL4_ifng-500-luc Reporter construct of mouse interferon gamma (Ifng) promoter (-500 to +113).
RDB14520 pGL4_ifng-36-luc Reporter construct of mouse interferon gamma (Ifng) promoter (-36 to +113).

Link to KEGG Pathway – T cell receptor signaling pathway

List of gene resources

(GSB0033e, T.M. 2016.12.28)


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