Xenopus EST Clones


Xenopus tropicalis (Silurana tropicalis) and X. laevis EST clones were analyzed by "Xenopus, National BioResource Project" and deposited by Drs. Naoto Ueno, National Institute of Basic Biology and Masanori Taira, University of Tokyo; Individual clones are available.

Library Clones
X. tropicalis embryo EST clones (ex. st10a01 )
X. laevis anterior neuroectoderm EST clones (ex. XL410a01ex)
X. laevis anterior endomesoderm EST clones (ex. xlk51a01)
X. laevis Keller explans EST clones XL221a01ex to XL341p24ex
X. laevis whole embryo(stage 10.5) EST clones XL111a01 to XL220p24
X. laevis whole embryo(stage 15) EST clones XL001a01 to XL050p24
X. laevis whole embryo(stage 25) EST clones XL051a01 to XL110p24

Forms for Distribution

Please find ID of individual clone(s) using the following outside database.
EST search find EST clones.

Order form
Please specify ID of clone(s) ex. st10a01.

Order Form:
Please complete the form with your shipping information including your account number of an international courier
(FedEx. World Courier, TNT Express, DHL Global Forwarding and others).
See detail in Information of Request for Distribution

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Order Form for Credit Card Payment. (Visa or Master Card only) [Word] [Example of order form]
Order Form for Bank Transfer Payment. [Word] [Example of order form]

Forms Description
Form C Material Transfer Agreement
We would like to ask a signature of the Authorized Representative of a recipient institution.

Please indicate “NBRP Xenopus cDNA clone (RDB06075)” as the BIOLOGICAL RESOURCE.

Please put in the terms and condisions (Section 4) that
"In publishing the research results obtained by use of the BIOLOGICAL RESOURCE, the RECIPIENT must state an acknowledgement to the National BioResource Project (NBRP), Japan."

Material Transfer Agreement (Category I MTA) [Word]

For the use of our bioresource in research for not-for-profit academic purpose by a non-profit organization.
  • Regarding Section 2(a):
    Please write your research purpose in detail. We need description specifically how and for what purpose you are going to use the DNA Bank resource(s). If the information is considered insufficient, we may ask you to add more or rewrite it.
    We can check whether the documents are filled out correctly or not in advance. Please email documents to us.
  • Regarding signature line:
    "Authorized Representative" is a person who is responsible for intellectual property rights. We request that the candidate is in one of the following positions, he/she can sign the MTA as the Authorized Representative. For anything unclear, please contact us by email.
    • College/University/Graduate School: President, Dean, Director or Head of Department
    • Research Institution: Director
    • Corporation: President, CEO, Director
    • Any officer appointed as Intellectual Property Administrator by the organization
    The MTA is a formal contract to be executed between institutions. Therefore, we ask your Authorized Representative to be an authority listed above.
Material Transfer Agreement (Category II MTA) [Word]

For the use of our bioresource in research for the following cases:
  • For research to be conducted by for-profit organizations.
  • For collaborative research between for-profit organization and not-for-profit organization.
  • For research by not-for- organization outsourced and sponsored by for-profit organization.
  • For for-profit research by not-for-profit organization including R&D with the aim of patent acquisition.

Send forms:

The DNA Bank, RIKEN BioResource Research Center (BRC),
3-1-1 Koyadai, Tsukuba, Ibaraki 305-0074, Japan
E-mail: dna_sec.brc@riken.jp

Distribution fee per clone (as of April 1st, 2023):
JPY 9,460 (For use in research for not-for-profit academic purpose).
JPY 18,920 (For use in research for-profit-research purpose).
  • The cost of shipping containers, dry ice (if required) and freight will be charged separately. These are not included in the fee.
  • For details for fee and payment, please visit Information of Request for Distribution.

Clone(s) is shipped as DNA solution in an individual tube.

Personal data protection policy
For protection of personal data at RIKEN BioResource Research Center, please reffer Personal data protection policy.

data sheet

Clone Information

Xenopus tropicalis EST clones (ex. st10a01 )
Strain information Species Xenopus tropicalis (Silurana tropicalis)
Strain Nigelian line 6th generation (N6)
Clone information Vector pCS22+ (Ampr)
Insert gastrula cDNA
Host XL1 Blue, E. coli
Clone data available at the "Download" page at
Library Xenopus tropicalis embryo gastrula
Reference Blumberg,B., Kitayama,A. and Ueno,N. (2006) cDNA library of Xenopus tropicalis gastrula embryos. Unpublished.

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Xenopus laevis EST clone (ex. XL410a01ex)
Strain information Species Xenopus laevis
Strain n.a.
Clone information Vector pCS105 (Ampr)
Insert anterior neuroectoderm cDNA from late gastrula (stage 12.5)
Host DH5alpha, E. coli
Clone data available at the "Download" page at
Library Osada Taira anterior neuroectoderm (ANE) pCS105 cDNA library
Reference Unpublished

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Xenopus laevis EST clone (ex. xlk51a01)
Strain information >Species Xenopus laevis
Strain n.a.
Clone information Vector pCS105 (Ampr)
Insert anterior endomesoderm cDNA from late gastrula (stage 12.5 )
Host DH5alpha, E. coli
Clone data available at the "Download" page at
Library Osada Taira anterior endomesoderm (AEM) pCS105 cDNA library
Reference Unpublished

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Xenopus laevis EST clone (XL221a01ex to XL341p24ex)
Strain information Species Xenopus laevis
Strain n.a.
Clone information Vector pCS2p+ (Ampr)
Insert Keller explans
mixture of equivalent stages 10.5-15 (early gastrula to mid neurula)
Host DH5alpha, E. coli
Clone data available at the "Download" page at
Library Yamamoto/Hyodo-Miura NIBB/NBRP Xenopus DMZ pCS2p+ cDNA library
Reference Unpublished

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Xenopus laevis EST clone (XL111a01 to XL220p24)
Strain information Species Xenopus laevis
Strain n.a.
Clone information Vector pBS (Ampr)
Insert whole embryo (stage 10.5 )
Host DH5alpha, E. coli
Clone data available at the "Download" page at
Library NIBB Mochii normalized Xenopus early gastrula library
Reference Unpublished

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Xenopus laevis EST clone (XL001a01 to XL050p24)
Strain information Species Xenopus laevis
Strain n.a.
Clone information Vector pBS (Ampr)
Insert whole embryo (stage 15 )
Host DH5alpha, E. coli
Clone data available at the "Download" page at
Library NIBB Mochii normalized Xenopus neurula library
Reference Unpublished

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Xenopus laevis EST clone (XL051a01 to XL110p24)
Strain information Species Xenopus laevis
Strain n.a.
Clone information Vector pBS (Ampr)
Insert whole embryo (stage 25 )
Host DH5alpha, E. coli
Clone data available at the "Download" page at
Library NIBB Mochii normalized Xenopus tailbud library
Reference Unpublished

Related Information

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(2011.05.02 T.M.)


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