NIA Mouse cDNA Clone


NIA/NIH Mouse 7.4K cDNA Clone

This mouse cDNA clone set was prepared by Dr Minoru Ko and colleagues (VanBuren V, et al. Genome Research 2002 Dec;12(12):1999-2003) at the National Institute on Aging which is one of the 25 institutes and centers of the National Institutes of Health.

NIA/NIH Mouse 15K cDNA Clone

This mouse cDNA clone set was prepared by Dr Minoru Ko and colleagues (Tanaka et al., PNAS 97, 9127-9132) at the National Institute on Aging which is one of the 25 institutes and centers of the National Institutes of Health.


NIA mouse 15K cDNA clone set

  • Tanaka TS, Jaradat SA, Lim MK, Kargul GJ, Wang X, Grahovac MJ, Pantano S, Sano Y, Piao Y, Nagaraja R, Doi H, Wood WH 3rd, Becker KG, Ko MS (2000) Genome-wide expression profiling of mid-gestation placenta and embryo using a 15,000 mouse developmental cDNA microarray.
    Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, 97: 9127-9132. [PMID:10922068]
  • Kargul GJ, Dudekula DB, Qian Y, Lim MK, Jaradat SA, Tanaka TS, Carter MG, Ko MS (2001) Verification and initial annotation of the NIA mouse 15K cDNA clone set.
    Nature Genetics, 28:17-18. [PMID:11326268]

NIA mouse 7.4K cDNA clone set

  • VanBuren V, Piao Y, Dudekula DB, Qian Y, Carter MG, Martin PR, Stagg CA, Bassey UC, Aiba K, Hamatani T, Kargul GJ, Luo AG, Kelso J, Hide W, Ko MS (2002) Assembly, Verification, and Initial Annotation of the NIA Mouse 7.4K cDNA Clone Set.
    Genome Res 2: 1999-2003. [PMID:12466305]

NIA Mouse cDNA Clones in general

Please visit Informaion site for articles published by using this materials, references and tips.

Ordering NIA/NIH Mouse cDNA Clone

Terms and Conditions for Distribution:
Recipient agrees to acknowledge NIA and Dr. Minoru Ko as the source of the Materials in any publication reporting use of the Materials, and to cite as a reference one of NIA’s original papers disclosing the Materials:

  • For the NIA Mouse 15K cDNA Clone set:
    Tanaka TS, et al. (2000). Genome-wide expression profiling of mid-gestation placenta and embryo using a 15000 mouse developmental cDNA microarray. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, 97: 9127-9132. [PMID: 10922068],
    Kargul GJ, et al. (2001). Verification and initial annotation of the NIA mouse 15K cDNA clone set. Nature Genetics, 28: 17-18. [PMID: 11326268]
  • For the NIA Mouse 7.4K cDNA Clone Set:
    VanBuren V. et al. (2002). Assembly, verification, and initial annotation of the NIA mouse 7.4K cDNA clone set. Genome Res 12: 1999-2003. [PMID:12466305], and,
  • For the NIA Mouse cDNA Clones in general:
    Sharov AA, et al. (2003). Transcriptome Analysis of Mouse Stem Cells and Early Embryos. PLoS Biol. 1: 410-419. [PMID: 14691545].

DNA solution with TE buffer (approx. 1 microgram) per clone.

Terminal nucleotide sequences of cDNA are checked prior to delivery.
Please allow 2 weeks before shipment.

If you have any questions regarding our DNA resources or related matters, please feel free to contact the Gene Engineering Division.

Clone search

Order Forms and Material Transfer Agreement (MTA)

Obtain FormA.

Order Form:
Please complete the form with your shipping information including your account number of an international courier
(FedEx. World Courier, TNT Express, DHL Global Forwarding and others).
See detail in Information of Request for Distribution

The resident of the European Economic Area (EEA) and China, please read Special distribution Information to Residents of the Foreign Countries
Order Form for Credit Card Payment. (Visa or Master Card only) [Word] [Example of order form]
Order Form for Bank Transfer Payment. [Word] [Example of order form]

Forms Description
Form C Material Transfer Agreement [Word] We request a signature of an authorized representative of a recipient institution.
In the the Section 2(a), please write your purpose of use of clone in 10 to 20 words.

Address for orders

Please complete one copy of Form A and two copies of Form C and send them to the Gene Engineering Division by post or e-mail. In case sending them by e-mail, please send us the originals by post afterwards.
We look forward to receiving your order.
Send forms:

The DNA Bank, RIKEN BioResource Research Center (BRC),
3-1-1 Koyadai, Tsukuba, Ibaraki 305-0074, Japan
FAX: (+81)-29-836-9120

Distribution fee per clone (as of April 1st, 2023):
JPY 9,460 (For use in research for not-for-profit academic purpose).
JPY 18,920 (For use in research for-profit-research purpose).
  • The cost of shipping containers, dry ice (if required) and freight will be charged separately. These are not included in the fee.
  • For details for fee and payment, please visit Information of Request for Distribution.

Notice of Citations

When publishing, in scientific journals, the results of research involving the use of materials from RIKEN BRC, please be sure to cite the paper designated by the depositor as well as to mention that these materials were provided by RIKEN BRC as follows: (name of BIOLOGICAL RESOURCE) was provided by the RIKEN BRC which is participating in the MEXT National BioResource Project (Japan).
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(2010.03.12 T.M.)


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