

Reguration of genes in ES cells


Catalog no. Name of clone Short description
RDB07033 p6W5’tk-luc Reporter construct with luciferase expression under 6W enhancer, activated by Oct3/4.
RDB07032 pFGF4tk-luc Reporter carrying Oct-Sox enhancer derived from Fgf4 gene.
RDB09711 ptk-luc Fgf4enh3′ Reporter carrying Oct-Sox enhancer derived from Fgf4 gene.
RDB09725 p052e/p-luc Reporter construct of 052 mouse retrotransposon enhancer/promoter.
RDB09723 pRex1p-luc Reporter construct with luciferase expression under the mouse Rex-1 promoter.
RDB07096 pLefty1-luc Oct-Sox enhancer carrying reporter derived from Lefty1 promoter.
RDB07097 pLefty1-luc deltaSacI Reporter construct of Lefty1 minimal promoter.
RDB09806 ptk-luc UTF-1 3′ Reporter construct of mouse Utf1 3′ URT enhancer.
RDB11028 pUtf1p-luc(1) Reporter construct with luciferase expression under the Utf1 promoter.
RDB11031 pUtf1pluc:Utf1enh Reporter construct with luciferase expression under the Utf1 promoter and enhancer.
RDB12116 pNanog-luc Oct-Sox enhancer carrying reporter derived from Nanog promoter.
RDB09895 pOct4-luc Reporter construct of mouse Oct3/4 (0.5 kb).
RDB10752 pOct4-luc (-285) Reporter construct of mouse Oct3/4 (0.3 kb).
RDB10753 pOct4-luc (-2177) Reporter construct of mouse Oct3/4 (2.2 kb).
RDB10754 pOct4-luc (-1281) Reporter construct of mouse Oct3/4 (1.3 kb).
RDB10986 pOct4-luc (-1938) Reporter construct of mouse Oct3/4 (1.9 kb).
RDB09790 pmPGKp-luc A control reporter plasmid under phosphoglycerate kinase (PGK-1) promoter.
RDB07031 ptk-luc A control reporter plasmid under tk promoter.

6 iPS genes and ortholog

  • Human
    Gene Symbol Protein Name Synonyms
    POU5F1 POU class 5 homeobox 1 MGC22487|OCT3|OCT4|OTF-3|OTF3|OTF4|Oct-3|Oct-4
    SOX2 SRY (sex determining region Y)-box 2 ANOP3|MCOPS3|MGC2413
    SOX4 SRY (sex determining region Y)-box 4 EVI16
    SOX7 SRY (sex determining region Y)-box 7 MGC10895
    SOX15 SRY (sex determining region Y)-box 15 SOX20|SOX26|SOX27
    SOX17 SRY (sex determining region Y)-box 17 FLJ22252|VUR3
    SOX18 SRY (sex determining region Y)-box 18 HLTS
    KLF4 Kruppel-like factor 4 (gut) EZF|GKLF
    KLF5 Kruppel-like factor 5 (intestinal) BTEB2|CKLF|IKLF
    MYC v-myc myelocytomatosis viral oncogene homolog (avian) MRTL|bHLHe39|c-Myc
    MYCL1 v-myc myelocytomatosis viral oncogene homolog 1, lung carcinoma derived (avian) LMYC|MYCL|bHLHe38
    MYCN v-myc myelocytomatosis viral related oncogene, neuroblastoma derived (avian) MODED|N-myc|NMYC|ODED|bHLHe37
    LIN28A lin-28 homolog A (C. elegans) CSDD1|FLJ12457|LIN-28|LIN28|ZCCHC1
    NANOG Nanog homeobox
  • Mouse
    Gene Symbol Protein Name Synonyms
    Pou5f1 POU domain, class 5, transcription factor 1 Oct-3|Oct-3/4|Oct-4|Oct3|Oct3/4|Oct4|Otf-3|Otf-4|Otf3|Otf3-rs7|Otf3g|Otf4
    Sox2 SRY (sex determining region Y)-box 2 Sox-2|lcc|ysb
    Sox4 SRY-box containing gene 4 AA682046|Sox-4
    Sox7 SRY-box containing gene 7
    Sox15 SRY-box containing gene 15
    Sox17 SRY-box containing gene 17 Sox
    Klf4 Kruppel-like factor 4 (gut) EZF|Gklf|Zie
    Klf5 Kruppel-like factor 5 4930520J07Rik|Bteb2|CKLF|IKLF
    Myc myelocytomatosis oncogene AU016757|Myc2|Niard|Nird|bHLHe39
    Mycl1 v-myc myelocytomatosis viral oncogene homolog 1, lung carcinoma derived (avian) AW536278|L-myc|Lmyc-1|Lmyc1|MGC102165|bHLHe38
    Mycn v-myc myelocytomatosis viral related oncogene, neuroblastoma derived (avian) N-myc|Nmyc|Nmyc-1|Nmyc1|bHLHe37|c-nmyc
    Nanog Nanog homeobox 2410002E02Rik|ENK|ecat4

Link to KEGG Pathway – Signaling pathways regulating pluripotency of stem cells

List of gene resources

  • Other genes
    Locus Catalog no. Name of Clone Short description
    Gata4 RDB01764 RAT GATA-GT2 Rat GATA-4 cDNA
    Gata4 RDB02542 pAxCArGATA-4 (forward) Shuttle vector to produce rAd expressing rat GATA-GT2 (GATA-4)
    Gata4 RDB02543 pAxCArGATA-4 (reverse) Shuttle vector to generate rAd harboring GATA-4
    Gata4 RDB02770 AxCArGATA-4 (forward) Recombinant adenovirus harboring rat GATA-GT2 (GATA-4) cDNA
    Gata6 RDB01763 RAT GATA-GT1 Rat GATA-6 cDNA
    MEA RDB01661 Mea-1 Plasmid clone of bovine male-enhanced antigen-1 cDNA
    LIF RDB01660 pbovLIF Bovine leukemia inhibitory factor (LIF) cDNA

(GSB0017e, T.M. 2006.02.10)


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